click pic to reAwaken your own Inner Chi-ild...
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i've never been so quick to cut up one of my rock climbing ropes than i was yesterday to create this tire-swing which EVERY chi-ld should have! sitting on our tire swing, swinging with my head pressed against Dewa's joyfully vibrating body is ilg's most precious asana* right now!
Precious HP Yogini Cupcake,
it was ilg whose Practice and Love was fortified through our Phone Consultation this go(o)d morning.
now, get out there and own it!
head bowed,
your el coache endlessly in your Corner
until Enlightenment for All Beings In All Realms
* asana; means "sit" take a seated mind into a posture or moment...traditionally, refers to the Full Lotus and Siddhasana meditation postures...see DL Archives for reams of Teachings on those most important postures