"...my ever increasingly Wholistic experience..." 50 years old and feel like 30!...WF Student RanDo shouts out the Love!
above; my long and faithful WF Devotee and friend, Randy "RanDo" Owen enjoying his own version of Stream Entry Meditation near his home in Boulder, Colorado.
Good Morning Steve:
Congratulations on the Chili Ski Classic! It is exciting that you put this kind of effort forth on My 50th Birthday and achieve yet another wonderful result. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday gift! Thank you! You see, the continuous inspiration and example you provide me is beyond what this warrior can adequately express but know that the appreciation is felt throughout every cell in my body.
So I turned 50 last week & because of WF I feel 30.
Yet another wonderful gift!
On January 12th we were skiing and one of our neighbors took a fall about 1/3 of the way down La Belle. After an assessment we determined she would not make it down on her own. So rather than wait for a sled, she jumped on my back & I skied her down to the Patrol office.
Thank you WF!
For my birthday I received (from my wife) an entry in to the Boulder Triathlon Series June Sprint event. So now I begin a new training effort which will include the reintroduction of Rando into the water element. Any words of wisdom & direction for Triathlon would be greatly appreciated. Also, as you may know the only bicycle I own is a MTB. So I have to figure out how to close that gap in my toolset as well.
I have placed an order for the
AI Imawa and
Blue Light Healing offerings from the
Tribal Pro Shop. I look forward to receiving more guidance in these aspects of my ever increasingly Wholistic experience.
With much appreciation.
Your friend and fellow warrior