With gumption and enough effort...

ecstasy inevitably arrives.
So, for 2010...
how deeply will we be willing to let go?
how well are we going to be willing to love?
how deeply will we be willing to let go?
how well are we going to be willing to love?
for what are we willing to remain consistent?

feeble ilg shall continue to love, pray, and express through his body, mind, and spirit that this year,
more than any other,
it is for Wholeness.
please join me.
- Happy New Year (of Practice)
the ilg clan
more than any other,
it is for Wholeness.
please join me.
- Happy New Year (of Practice)
the ilg clan
photos by ilg:
1) Today, Ananda, Dewa, and i joined the masses out at Crowley Pit to enjoy scintillating sledding among the Ponderosa. Dewa, apparently re-member-ing (with) a recent incarnation of a sled dog enjoyed pulling her sled up the hills as much as "whee!'ing" down them. a chi-ldhood nickname of mine was, "uphill ilg"...hmmmm...
2) no caption needed; the Samadhic state of a well deserved chi-ldhood says it all.
3) that's my dad up top, my mom to my left, Dewa and Ananda on Yogi Christ's Day in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.
1) Today, Ananda, Dewa, and i joined the masses out at Crowley Pit to enjoy scintillating sledding among the Ponderosa. Dewa, apparently re-member-ing (with) a recent incarnation of a sled dog enjoyed pulling her sled up the hills as much as "whee!'ing" down them. a chi-ldhood nickname of mine was, "uphill ilg"...hmmmm...
2) no caption needed; the Samadhic state of a well deserved chi-ldhood says it all.
3) that's my dad up top, my mom to my left, Dewa and Ananda on Yogi Christ's Day in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.