"A mandatory yet usually feared key of personal Wholeness
and High (Divine) Performance is
not to do what you want,
and (eventually) you may do as you please!
Most however,
shy away from developing their weaknesses for the sake of specialization - demonstrating what i term an 'insect evolution mentality.'
The WF yogi however,
takes great joy borne by supreme patience to
attack his or her weaknesses steadfastly
over decades
over lifetimes
without attachment to results.
The hilarious and profoundly sacred and fun
actual result from such firmament
is an ongoing intense beautification
empowerment of both physical and spiritual depth,
of both mundane and peak moments,
of both inner and outer worlds."
- coach steve ilg

One race; 3 medals!
Take your pick...Bronze, Silver, or Go(l)d?
Practice Wholistic Fitness® and you can consistently beat sport-specific
athletes at their own sports...Two of these medals are for Overall...not Age Groups!
Practice Wholistic Fitness® and you can consistently beat sport-specific
athletes at their own sports...Two of these medals are for Overall...not Age Groups!

still wearing my Kahtoola snowshoes and holding my classic skis,
moment's after finishing my Winter Duathlon at the Chili Classic.
My full Race Report coming up! If you enjoy victories of Wholeness over specialization? Once again, you're gonna love what i ripped off up in Colorado last weekend!
moment's after finishing my Winter Duathlon at the Chili Classic.
My full Race Report coming up! If you enjoy victories of Wholeness over specialization? Once again, you're gonna love what i ripped off up in Colorado last weekend!