By popular request; this is my 15-minute guided; "Blue Light Healing Meditation" found in my book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION. I'll often use this very same meditation to conclude my HP Yoga® classes while my students are in Savasana...inevitably, the entire class becomes bathed in the astral serenity and innate self healing empowerment transmitted through this relaxing meditation.
Transmission integrity is on High Throttle; this Meditation was Transmitted to me by my own MahaNidraRishi, with whom i studied Tibetan EnergyWork and PhysioDynamic Bodywork in New Mexico for 3 years.
In this Meditation you will be guided to;
• a deep, restorative inner space of healing
• using proven colored light visualizations to ignite chakral field energetics
• release physical, mental, and spiritual adhesions
• neurohormonal balance for a calmer, more whole 'you'
"Coach, i am still in a Pranic afterglow after your Blue Light Healing Meditation last evening! Thank you!" - HP Yoga® Student Carrie
besides ending your asana session, suggested use of this Meditation includes falling asleep to it and using it daily during injury or traumatic times in life. Very powerful. Very gentle. Very effective. You'll be able to listen and re-listen to this Meditation for a long time...I've been using for over 20 years!
this MP3 is also available as a CD upon request for an additional fee.
please do NOT listen to this Meditation while driving.