Dearest No-Bull Coach,
WOW! What a Chi Hit you and Ananda packed into your latest offering from beneath the Sacred Peak!
Though I was familiar with many of the techniques described from your other works seeing the whole continuum of them visually was invaluable.
I've been of late without an Iron Temple so have been playing with some of the bodyweight techniques contained in your books... One day I would love to see a WF Plyometric Bodyweight Strength Training DVD, featuring gunther hops, knee tuck jumps, your straight armed pull-up-mantles (!?!), and hey maybe some clapping handstand pushups? :)
My love to you, Ananda, and Dewachen!
Hum-Bull Yogi ct
*** Yogi CT, sounds like a GREAT idea for a new WF DVD! ilg will put it on the Things-To-Do List! THANK YOU!!!!! - Iron Mind, Velvet Heart, Pranic Body, Boundless Soul... long live the Iron Temple! head bowed, el coache