WF Devotee Brad Gantt designed the DVD Cover of my upcoming; AI IMAWA - The Postures and Practice of Inner Harmony.
getting this DVD into production has tested ALL the Teachings in the Ai Imawa philosophy!
"Every single negative thing we have ever thought or done has ultimately arisen from our grasping at a false self, and our cherishing of that false self, making it the dearest and most important element in our lives. All those negative thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions that are the cause of our negative karma are engendered by self-grasping and self-cherishing. They are the dark, powerful magnet that attracts to us, life after life, every obstacle, every misfortune, every anguish, every disaster, and so they are the root cause of all the sufferings of samsara.
- Soygal Rinpoche
When ilg was young, ilg was obsessive. A quick glance at my athletic resume
verifies this. my current incarnation comes front loaded with addictive tendencies,
lazy habits,
and deep samsaric grooves created by countless eons of surviving, being lazy, evolving.
as ilg matures as a WF Student,
the Light of Wholeness imparted from our precious Path
is slowly producing an ilg that does not run toward - or away - from anything.
this Path of ours
is producing an ilg that has neither friend nor foe; ilg is seeing more and more directly
into our cosmic brother and sister hood than ever before.
about time, right?
hey, ilg is a slow learner.
yet, like you...even though you yourself might be lifetimes Higher than feeble ilg,
like you,
ilg is baby-stepping up the Steep Mountain toward Enlightenment.
this much ilg does know from direct experience;
the Higher we climb?
the more narrow, the more difficult the Path becomes.
baby steps are vital.
so is Beginning Again
and Again
and Endlessly Again.

this morning, ilg brushed his teeth in yogi squat using Non Dominant Hand exercise.
reciting and rejoicing with the Mantra.
ilg felt pleasure within my arthritic, injured hip pain.
this morning, in ilg's Inbox came letters from angry students
and absolutely enraptured ones.
ilg felt content; santoshic with each.
OUTSIDE Magazine called, interested in ilg again.
ilg didn't care that much, which is odd.
free from egoism or pride; praise nor censure affected ilg this morning.
this was before the DVD duplicator broke right when i was about
to release my beautiful new AI IMAWA DVD for you.
ilg's composure lost at gnarled feet of the Technical Snafu Guru.
then found.
then lost again.
Renouncing ego very difficult.
Back to the protection of the Mantra.
Back to the Beginning WF Principle; Conscious Breath and Posture.
Practice Well,
faithful ones!
Wholeness is not for wimps who quit.
getting this DVD into production has tested ALL the Teachings in the Ai Imawa philosophy!
"Every single negative thing we have ever thought or done has ultimately arisen from our grasping at a false self, and our cherishing of that false self, making it the dearest and most important element in our lives. All those negative thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions that are the cause of our negative karma are engendered by self-grasping and self-cherishing. They are the dark, powerful magnet that attracts to us, life after life, every obstacle, every misfortune, every anguish, every disaster, and so they are the root cause of all the sufferings of samsara.
- Soygal Rinpoche
When ilg was young, ilg was obsessive. A quick glance at my athletic resume
verifies this. my current incarnation comes front loaded with addictive tendencies,
lazy habits,
and deep samsaric grooves created by countless eons of surviving, being lazy, evolving.
as ilg matures as a WF Student,
the Light of Wholeness imparted from our precious Path
is slowly producing an ilg that does not run toward - or away - from anything.
this Path of ours
is producing an ilg that has neither friend nor foe; ilg is seeing more and more directly
into our cosmic brother and sister hood than ever before.
about time, right?
hey, ilg is a slow learner.
yet, like you...even though you yourself might be lifetimes Higher than feeble ilg,
like you,
ilg is baby-stepping up the Steep Mountain toward Enlightenment.
this much ilg does know from direct experience;
the Higher we climb?
the more narrow, the more difficult the Path becomes.
baby steps are vital.
so is Beginning Again
and Again
and Endlessly Again.

this morning, ilg brushed his teeth in yogi squat using Non Dominant Hand exercise.
reciting and rejoicing with the Mantra.
ilg felt pleasure within my arthritic, injured hip pain.
this morning, in ilg's Inbox came letters from angry students
and absolutely enraptured ones.
ilg felt content; santoshic with each.
OUTSIDE Magazine called, interested in ilg again.
ilg didn't care that much, which is odd.
free from egoism or pride; praise nor censure affected ilg this morning.
this was before the DVD duplicator broke right when i was about
to release my beautiful new AI IMAWA DVD for you.
ilg's composure lost at gnarled feet of the Technical Snafu Guru.
then found.
then lost again.
Renouncing ego very difficult.
Back to the protection of the Mantra.
Back to the Beginning WF Principle; Conscious Breath and Posture.
Practice Well,
faithful ones!
Wholeness is not for wimps who quit.