Saturday, December 19, 2009

Best Pies On This Plane(t)

when i was younger and maintained a 2.5 bodyfat percentage*, i made a promise to myself that when i free climbed the Northwest Face of Half Dome in Yosemite, i would have a piece of my favorite type of pie in this whole, beautiful, amazing Uni-Verse; Banana Cream Pie. yum.

three years later, i and Rob Wolf free climbed all but about 25' of that route.

i still did not allow myself the piece of pie.

ilg had very high personal standards back then.

can't even recall when it was, several years, later that i allowed myself that slice of pie.

point is: ilg has VERY high Pie Standards.

here are the best pies that ilg has ever encountered. this place about 45 minutes east of us, and like a drug addict, i have a contact person at the restaurant that also lives in Flag and delivers whole pies to me at various clandestine locations downtown.

so, if you are EVER going to the Grand Canyon, or are up this you go:

Happy, Wholesome (w)Holidays!

the Can Do Clan

ps: Dewa's favorite is the Blueberry Pie...just like Her daddy! not sweet; just heaven.

*at age 47, my standards have slipped. i never let myself get above 6.5%.