I designed Wholistic Fitness® as a Path Toward Wholeness which transcends the physique and the fitness passions that you enjoy...although, the physique and the fitness passions are bettered beyond your beliefs if you just Work The Path...
photo; ilg's physique as captured by Wayne Williams.
Hi Coach Ilg,
I have followed your work for a few years, and have incorporated some of your training in to my own.
I have your TBT book and would like to give it a real shot, starting with the Green Tara program. However, I am also a beginning judo player and I have judo practice for 90-120 minutes 3x/week (M, W, Sat). How can I incorporate my judo with Green Tara and the rest of the TBT book?
Do I just do TBT exercise in the morning, and then my judo practice in the evenings on the days practice occurs? Will that be adding too much total training volume?
Thank you,
Bob T.
Dear Fellow Seeker of Wholeness,
thank you for enjoying the wisdom of WF and for writing. Your question is one that comes up often...
Short Answer: it's too much.
if you were a more seasoned Judo Player, then i'd suggest modifying some of the Strength Training programs to tone down the amplitude and you'd probably be fine.
however, Judo is a yang discipline (at first) and the Strength Training volume and intensities inherent to following Green Tara would pre-fatigue your joints and neuro-hormonal system to a degree that would not realistic or safe for you to put forth quality effort and focus while learning Judo.
What you can do:
Read TBT cover to cover, but don't do the Programs.
Focus on the WF Sutras and the WF Lifestyle Principles.
Begin incorporating them immediately.
What you'll find:
• Instant Transformation of how you live your life and how you approach your Judo.
• Your physical diet will change toward Empowerment and natural Cleansing (get on the SUNRIDER HERBS and MAP Aminos!)
Next Step:
Finish your beginning Judo training block.
set aside 3-4 months to crank through with total discipline the TBT Programs (Green Tara, Cosmic Yang, Frugal Realm, Jeweled Lotus).
After finishing those 4 programs? you will be feeling SUPERHUMAN...then, re-enter your next Judo Phase of study at a MUCH HIGHER LEVEL of WHOLENESS and you'll be absolutely stunned at the New Awareness and Fitness that you carry into Judo.
At that point, you would have the training capacity to go for 6-8 months focusing on Judo and supplemented by The Jeweled Lotus program, or contact me for a custom designed program to form fit your Practice.
As you now realize, most people do not have the Patience to train Wholistically. They would rather just try to combine TBT with their current passions and that doesn't work until much later. First Step; GET WHOLE! Set aside 4 months of your training year to work through the 4 Programs of TBT...you'll exit such a Pilgrimage with an Enlightened Body, Mind, and Spirit and be able to coast several months focusing on whatever you want before another return to the TBT programs at a Higher Level than before. You can then just keep re-cycling your training year like that: 4 months following the TBT progams; then 8 months of releasing into other sports or spiritual disciplines.
TBT is your rock, your anchor, your roots of Wholeness, Longevity, and Passionate Balance all designed to lift you Higher, and Higher, and HIGHER!
head bowed from sweat and stillness,
coach ilg
Dear Fellow Seeker of Wholeness,
thank you for enjoying the wisdom of WF and for writing. Your question is one that comes up often...
Short Answer: it's too much.
if you were a more seasoned Judo Player, then i'd suggest modifying some of the Strength Training programs to tone down the amplitude and you'd probably be fine.
however, Judo is a yang discipline (at first) and the Strength Training volume and intensities inherent to following Green Tara would pre-fatigue your joints and neuro-hormonal system to a degree that would not realistic or safe for you to put forth quality effort and focus while learning Judo.
What you can do:
Read TBT cover to cover, but don't do the Programs.
Focus on the WF Sutras and the WF Lifestyle Principles.
Begin incorporating them immediately.
What you'll find:
• Instant Transformation of how you live your life and how you approach your Judo.
• Your physical diet will change toward Empowerment and natural Cleansing (get on the SUNRIDER HERBS and MAP Aminos!)
Next Step:
Finish your beginning Judo training block.
set aside 3-4 months to crank through with total discipline the TBT Programs (Green Tara, Cosmic Yang, Frugal Realm, Jeweled Lotus).
After finishing those 4 programs? you will be feeling SUPERHUMAN...then, re-enter your next Judo Phase of study at a MUCH HIGHER LEVEL of WHOLENESS and you'll be absolutely stunned at the New Awareness and Fitness that you carry into Judo.
At that point, you would have the training capacity to go for 6-8 months focusing on Judo and supplemented by The Jeweled Lotus program, or contact me for a custom designed program to form fit your Practice.
As you now realize, most people do not have the Patience to train Wholistically. They would rather just try to combine TBT with their current passions and that doesn't work until much later. First Step; GET WHOLE! Set aside 4 months of your training year to work through the 4 Programs of TBT...you'll exit such a Pilgrimage with an Enlightened Body, Mind, and Spirit and be able to coast several months focusing on whatever you want before another return to the TBT programs at a Higher Level than before. You can then just keep re-cycling your training year like that: 4 months following the TBT progams; then 8 months of releasing into other sports or spiritual disciplines.
TBT is your rock, your anchor, your roots of Wholeness, Longevity, and Passionate Balance all designed to lift you Higher, and Higher, and HIGHER!
head bowed from sweat and stillness,
coach ilg