When you spend each day with a 2 year-old Rinpoche? It's easy to feel and treat each dawn as another blessed opportunity for Thanks-Giving.***
Dwelling in the UniVerse of Dewachen, outer worldly comings and goings fade like evening night into meaninglessness. i must shake myself like a dog out of a lake, re-ground myself...
force myself to
flowing Beingness
into the Marketplace.'
Last week, Ananda asked Dewa;
"So is Elmo a boy or a girl?"
Dewa shot Ananda a look straight from Padmasambhava...then, smiled and replied, "Dude."

For the Awakened Fitness Warrior,
many of our Western economically driven "Holy-Days-turned-Holidays" dredge deep confusion...even sadness or bitterness arise.
Fortunately, today, ThanksGiving Day, holds little philosophical snafu for the yogically inclined. In our humble, powerful Tribe, we are trained to sit in meditation; stabilizing our Mind Waves in an attempt to lose ourselves in love which inevitably shakes off layers of egoic pretense and strips us, nakedly, toward the shining quality of Gratitude.
Even if you are not a formal WF Student, perhaps today is a wise day to revisit my notion of a Gratitude Journal as described in my most recent book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION.
At least, today, before absorbing the 10,000 efforts and lives associated with our HolyDay Meal, pray at the table.
Be the Leader of a Gratitude Meditation for your meal...one of the Traditional WF Mealtime Blessings, which i learned in Japanese during my formative Zen years and is now passed onto my Online WF Students goes like this:
May you practice well other important WF Teachings such as; Earned Sustenance, Rasas Eating Assignment, Eating Elegantly Assignment, et.al.. The artful self science in WF offers an immense banquet for Self Cultivation in the hours before your gathering. Be it a solo, small, or enormous family gathering does not matter. Here is what matters; How well can you Love today? How deeply can you cultivate Gratitude today? How willing are you to let go of silly things that do not lead you Higher?
In the Spirit of All Yoga Teachers who dedicate their lives to reflect the integrity of the Ancient Enlightened Masters,
this feeble messenger sends only my deepest Gratitude for you...
May All Beings Be Happy And Know The Causations Of Happiness,
coach ilg