photo; my Beloved Ananda (Joy)...with Patrick Stewart in the movie; SAFEHOUSE
Oh man, is Ananda ever gonna kill me for doing this...shhhh...
maybe she won't find out...
okay, so the other day i was knee deep in last year's home video footage of Dewa, trying to
get a home DVD done in time for Thanksgiving...i grabbed Joy (Ananda) from doing what she is all-ways doing these precious days; mothering Dewa. this is like at about 7:45 am...Joy's just absolutely fatigued these days...Dewa is not sleeping well due to some more teeth coming in and well, you guys know that Joy and i haven't had so much of a babysitter since Dewa was born, so we're both just shipwrecks, right? so, i grab her and put her in front of my computer with GarageBand ready to go and with absolutely no warning and i say,
"Honey, i need you to sing the 'The Rose' right now...i need it for the section of Dewa's DVD where your dad came to visit."
Joy's dad, the famous Marine/Martial Art stud, always breaks down and cries like a baby whenever Joy sings 'The Rose' for him...(you'll soon hear and feel why; right down your cells...)
"Oh Steve, there is no WAY i can sing that song right now...i, i, i..."
suffice it to say, i walked out the room, and forced her to sing it...she doesn't even know all the words...however,
i just want you all to LISTEN to what i get to live with,
to the unbelievable voice that Dewachen has grown up with...singing to her every day...it's this voice which called Dewa's Atman toward us as potential parents. this, Dewa told me during her pre-born meditations with me.
if you want to comment on this song (DO NOT FORWARD in any way to anybody else)...do so in the WF SanghaLounge, DL chamber, okay?
enjoy...and meditate on this...
Joy's recording available only for DL Subscribers