"The Lord has
a Universe for a body."
- Pratyabhijna-Hridaya (4) of Kshemaraja

Coach and his Can-Do Clan has
Gone Fishin'...
and racing, and climbing, and camping and...
and...whatever, wherever our little summer walkabout leads us.
After teaching tonight's HP Yoga PROP BASICS class, we're heading deep into the h(om)eland of my youth; Pagosa Springs, Colorado. i have a mountain duathlon on Saturday and then we are just letting the Call of the Four Corners set our agenda of camping.
For my local HP Yoga Sangha, i'd like to thank you for showing up and doing the Inner Work even though these Flag summer evenings are soooo incredibly luscious! One cannot put a price on the spiritual (and physical) merit gained by such tenacity. So, thank you for keeping your Practice strong. Please check with the Front Desk of Northern Arizona Yoga Center for who will be substituting for me next week. Support our Beautiful Practice Cave!
For my Online Students,
this Path of Transpersonal Fitness would not be possible without my most faithful of all; my Online Students. Thank you for your devotion to our Pathway of MultiDisciplined Sweat and Stillness. Just keep crankining on your current program and keep sending me your Updates. I will NOT be doing email during my trip, however, i will be prioritizing my Online Students upon my return, so keep your Tribal Chieftain happy and send in your updates. Check DL each day; i'll update that first.
For DL Subscribers,
i will have a laptop with me, however, access to WiFi may not be remotely possible. Just keep checking in each day...and, MAKE USE OF THOSE 2,000+ Archives! The best text message got to me the other day from Certified HP Yoga Teacher in LA, Karen West. It read,
Now THAT is what i like to read in my text messages!
Until we can meet and gather again,
keep taking your Royal Herbs, your MAP, and do your EMR
may all your sweat be sacred,
may all your words be true,
may all your actions be kind,
and may all of your of strength,
steadfast practice
be turned inside out
for the Benefit
of All Beings In All Realms.
keep cranking the Love and Light,
el coache and his Clan