click to enlarge the chi hits...
(the first one makes an especially potent of many from the DL Archives!)

High in the Weminuche Wilderness of a land known as southwestern Colorado, lies an enchanted village ensconced within ancient healing waters, snow-dappled summits, towering ponderosa, and the purest of all waters rushing, glinting among sandstone canyons. Magic - and perhaps wizards - live here.

ilg knows this because at one time, i lived here; Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
And, a few weekends ago, I raced there for the first time since having lived there.
What you are about to read, my Noble Friend Along The Path of Awakening?

Is less about racing a high-altitude mountain duathlon, crashing at high-speed, getting up, winning Overall by 20 seconds at age 47...and is instead, much, much more about...
stay tuned, my Race Report on the Pagosa Duathlon coming this weekend
1) looking west toward Pagosa Springs, Colorado from Wolf Creek Pass...i once clocked 59 mph on a bicycle at this turn during a the rain...but that's another story for another time. photo by ilg, a few weeks ago.
2) the San Juan River as she flows through mid-town Pagosa Springs. photo by ilg.
3) ilg, a bloodied warrior, wins the top step of the Overall Podium! photo by Tom Steen.