Friday, July 24, 2009

"My Thanks Forever..."

Coach Ilg,

For many years I was a personal trainer for a chain in San Diego and used your books for enrichment in my life as well as those of my clients. I always found that your knowledge was like a fortune cookie and that I could crack your books at any page and find something enlightening as well as life-changing. Well, time went by and I no longer train. I keep myself going by keeping the principles of wholistic fitness in my heart and my workout routine. I now work for Disney as well as writing a book on the paranormal.

Now the reason I am writing. Three weeks ago I was coming home from work ( a 90 mile commute by the way ) and as I was getting into the lane to exit the street I live on, I noticed something odd. The road was wet on a dry night. They were watering the iceplant on the side on the freeway and several sprinkler heads were broken, showering the freeway with standing water. I hit the water and hydroplaned into the iceplant, spinning out of control. What did I do? Relaxed. Breathed slow and took my hands away from the wheel and gave myself to fate. Fate returned in kind by flipping my car over into a drainage ditch. Now, I drive a VW cabrio, a convertible. The windshield and front frame now touched the top of my high backed seat. The rollbar held. When I realized I was upside down and airbags deflated, I simply pushed on the handlebar and undid my seat belt. I landed on the roof and rolled over to push the driver door open and crawl out onto the iceplant. I then calmly sat on the curb and awaited the fire trucks. I felt my body relax, and the next thing I knew I was meditating next to my ruined car. When they arrived, I was given a cursory examination and forced to go to hospital in abulance on a back board. I kept on insisting I felt fine. They told me I was in shock. After being admitted and jumping through their hoops, I was released and taken home. I took the next day off work, but returned right after that.

The doctor was amazed, but the CHP that arrived on the scene later told me I should not have walked away from that, at all. Fate? Destiny? Grace of God? The one factor I CAN contribute to it is you, coach. The fitness level I am in definately helped me, as well the flexibility of the body and soul. Most of all, you taught me to let go of the ego and it will all be fine. You know what, it is. Thank you, coach!!!

Namaste Brother,
Charles Spratley