my Practice of Dewa Sadhana includes taking advantage of these luscious high country monsoons to soften the Fear of the crackling Thunder for Dewa..."That's Father Sky just telling us that He is trying to bring a drink for Mother Earth...it's okay, Little Tree," i tell her as she rushes into my arms as the next ear-splitting crack of thunder roars into Dewa's cells...

...soon enough, being comforted by my words and embrace, Dewa begins Her own RainDance!
Monsoons are a great time to get into the WF SanghaLounge for our Svadhyaya Practice, why?...

...because the WF SanghaLounge has an unreal amount of inspiration for our Practices...right off my head, i can count over a half dozen World Class Athletes from as many different sports, Ph.D's, Therapists, international businesspeople, single parents, family warriors, and so many more compatriots of WF that gather each day in the WF SanghaLounge to ask for help, give friendly counsel, and help each other through the vast array of WF programs, principles, trials, and joys.

to NOT take advantage of these Bubbles of Bliss - FREE OF CHARGE to all - is to grossly miss the deeply grounded Tribal Love and Care and Compassion that makes WF so utterly unique in this day and age.
oh yeah, and the Tour de France forum is going off again and book author and world champion lifter, Dan John's contributions are gems as is Yogi Crespo's gut honest plea for help in Perseverance...ilg doesn't know where you choose to spend your time on the Internet, however, if you are missing the Teachings and Inspirations of the close knit online community of the WF SanghaLounge, your Practice will suffer needlessly. Come on in! we are waiting for Thee!
head bowed,
coach ilg
1 and 2) Daddy and Dewa on the WF Temple H(om)e front porch during a Monsoon shower. by Ananda.
3) Whiskey Barrel detail. this morning by steve ilg.
4) Bubbles of Bliss. photo of Dewa yesterday by Ananda.