Hi Steven,
I don’t know anything about copyright law but it looks like you have been ripped off my friend, see attached from the October issue of Rocky Mountain Sports. I thought you might want to know.
I bid you peace.
Most Noble Shunryo -
"All Karma is God."
it ain't the first time your humble Teacher has been ripped off, it ain't gonna be the last...however, several Students have already sent me word of this Most Jagged Pill,
so predictable of the unAwakened. these 'authors' are gonna have a ROUGH TIME in the Bardo because they have ignored and abused the Shoulders from which they write and gain money...All Karma is God.
this really hurts my heart.
was my first book written when i was 25 years young (ilg did NOT need a co-author!) is pure CHI from DIRECT EXPERIENCE and became the 'bible' our outdoor generation.
the Publishers know damn well of ilg.
i was an editor in their book, PLYOMETRICS; Explosive Power Training For Athletes, by James Radcliffe and Bob Farentinos (my boss at Farentinos Gym, late seventies-eighties)
Rocky Mountain Sports & Fitness Magazine should have realized the Higher Path as well; in the seventies and eighties i authored over 2 dozen articles/features/reviews for them and helped them attain distributorship in retail outlets when they first started.
if any of you lawyers in the WF Tribe wish to go to bat for your ol' coach...contact me. yet i have no money to fight this copyright battle.
others of you, if you wish to speak your CHI to the publishers:
(Toll Free: 800-747-4457)
or email the publisher at:
just tell them:
All Karma is God, and:
May All Beings Be Freed From Avidya And Know The Causes Of Avdiya...
don't be mean;
Practice your Yoga.
Speak your Truth for our Tribe,
yet be Loving in your Heart.
they are just weak-minded and greedy
without genuine CHI FORCE...so take it easy on them.
meanwhile, i'll must overcome my sentiments and use these plagerizers as my teachers
thus i take refuge in the Sacred Scriptures;
"Be not attached to the fruits of thy Labor,"
Bhagavad Gita.