Everything is going to be okay... in the end. First, there may be a little drama, trauma and upheaval. There will also be some financial struggle, some emotional stress and creative tension. But then, when is it really any different? What you are going through now is really no more (or less) than just the usual trouble, dressed up in an unusual guise. You can save yourself a lot of bother and bring forward the eventual day when your problem is solved... by deciding that it isn't such a problem after all.
- Sogyal Rinpoche
Do the Math:
Without cleansing and supporting your 5 Organ Systems - including your two immune systems - through the The "Secret Herbs of Wholistic Fitness" each day, each week, each year...
you just ain't gonna have the body, mind, and spirit to be attracted to Regenerative,
Wholesome pursuits such as Meditation, Yoga, Strength Training, Cardio Training, and Eating Healthily:

Regenerative Nutrition supports Regenerative Living...
truly, i say to you - and my resume supports this statement -
a proven Path for our "Body Vehicle" to accomplish feats of Self Healing and multi-World Class Fitness Levels in diverse physiologic extremes or even have the multi-spectrum energy required to be a fit, conscious parent or person is reliance upon the THREE PIVOTAL LIMBS of WF NUTRITION:
1) My Three-Phase Approach To Using The SUNRIDER HERBS,
2) The MAP Amino Acids
3) Abiding by the WF Nutritional Principles as detailed in the Nutrition chapters of my books
i TAF for today's DIRECT LINES, i would take you all through my personal SUNRIDER orders for October for my family. i am choosing this month because:
1) rarely in one month have i been under so many chronic stresses yet feel absolutely bombproof to the stress and in fact have turned in some of my best athletic, teaching, coaching, and spiritual personal records,
2) my SUNRIDER DOWNLINE is absolutely soaring toward the 5,000 SV Group Volume for ordering during a time when other SUNRIDER DOWNLINES not doing well; this single fact is because in the ILG DOWNLINE, we order the Herbs because we know what they provide for us and our family BESIDES extra income; the uncalcuable effect of Regenerative, Whole Food Nutrition upon our Cellular Fitness...i want our Group to break 5,000 SV this month!!! Let's show how much Fierce Love we have for our beautiful, amazing bodies which serve our Spirit! Our Body is God's Temple For Serving All, For Loving All; can't serve Go(o)d until you FEEL Go(o)d!!!
3) because it is "Flu Season" and in the past 20+ years i've been eating these SUNRIDER Foods i honestly can't recall when i've lost one day to Training due to this "Flu Season" which seemingly plagues the non-Herb-Eating masses!
First, however, a basic SUNRIDER Q&A regarding my Phase One; Fat Loss/Cell Cleansing:
Hi Coach!
I hope all is well with you and your beautiful family!!
We sure do miss you!!
I need some help with Sunrider. I havent been on the Calli Tea for a while and I need to lose a few pounds and thought the tea would help (can't take supplements at the moment). What do you recommend...Cali, Fortune Delight, or both? How do i take them again and will they help to shed a few?
Thank you sooo much!

InDeed, this time of the year should see you sipping beautiful and powerful Calli Tea (plus a few drops of SunnyDew sweetner) - in both regular and night versions to help pull toxic, heavy metals from cell membranes and keep nutrient and pranic transfer across the cell physiology absolutely perfect!
great hearing from you!
both the Calli teas and Fortune Delight would be of GREAT assistance in your dismantling and metabolism of stored and impacted bodyfat. here is what i do:
Fortune Delight + Sunny Dew during the day. one packet and a squeeze of Sunny Dew into a water bottle 1-2x daily.
at evening:
drink 1-2 cups of Calli Night + Sunny Dew before going to bed. it will help the quality of sleep while pulling heavy metals from the cells.
prepare the Calli Night just like a hot tea, however, one Calli Teabag will produce 4-5 cups of tea!
keep me updated and keep the throttle turned within,
Go(o)d Bless,
el coache
i'm gonna take you through my family's SUNRIDER order this month...bear in mind that Ananda is still breast feeding Dewachen (who LOVES Sunrider's SUNBARS!...there you go; Breast Milk and SUNBARS; the perfect diet!)...so my responsibility as a Father Warrior is to make Ananda's nutrition and life as well-supported as possible! in doing so, i Serve both my Beloved Partner and my Beloved Daughter. There is not a more important place to Love your family than to 'bring home the bacon,' in the form of SUNRIDER Herbs and MAP Amino Acids; health begins with Highly Vibrating Cells!
my total cash savings on October SUNRIDER herbs: $103! Besides receiving a check from SUNRIDER next month for several thousand dollars, you can probably get a feel for why, after a quarter century of eating these Herbs, i still am so enthused to write to YOU during these pre-dawn hours of just how much i want YOU to Work the Path of SUNRIDER Herbs as part of your Sadhana! it's a win/win all the Way Around Health and TRUE Wealth!
still need to sign up on the Herbs?
let me know...
it's what i do...