this morning i awoke and like any go(o)d WF Yogi (aka; Navanyogi - one who seeks Union through the 9-limbed Path of WF) i padded softly (so as not to awaken my Clan) to the bathroom.
upon entering the cold (it was 26 degrees here last night) bathroom, i heard a Fly Being begin to buzz around me.
"odd," thought i, "that is one tough Fly for surviving this cold night, even in here." still drowsy from my slumber, i named Mr. Fly, "Druasada," which is Sanscrit for "One who is hard to attain," and is one of Lord Shiva's many, many names.
"Om Mani Padme Hung!" i chanted 3x to Druasada. it is, as i've Taught you previously, vital for Yogis to audibly chant the Sacred Mantra to any and all Sentient Beings whenever possible...especially if they are in a state of suffering or are close to their Bardo Entry as was surely Druasada.
i figured that was enough good karma for my sleepy mind to produce and turned my attention to my muscles singed with lactic acid from last nights' totally awesome PROP WORKOUT with my Flag Sangha...ooooh, did we hammer it! as you know, the Slim Caps and Fibertone from the SUNRIDER Herbs which we Navanyogis use, make getting to a toilet our first and foremost ritual of each jeweled day along this precious Path!
so thus i squatted in the chilled dark of predawn, concentrating on enjoying my pooping when suddenly...
Ya See...
THIS type of entry from Coach is why we are so charmed by this Path...
please, please, please do not miss this touching, practical DharmaTeaching which
includes a WF Technique for saving Fly Beings...and the Native American teaching on Fly Medicine!
ya see,
Yoga and Skillful Warriorism is found everywhere
when we have access to a strong, enduring Teacher of the Dharma like WF...
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