photo (might only appear for DL Subscribers):
photo of coach ilg, during an 111-mile twilight into early morning pull during a championship effort at the Furnace Creek 508. photo; LA Times.
that leg/calf work sequence in tonights HP PROP WORKOUT just CRUSHED me! i LOVED IT!"
- Andrew
So i was deeply entranced in your Slow Flow into No Flow class last Tuesday, and at one point i lifted my head
and all this sweat just poured off my forehead onto my mat!"
- Kiari
It (the WF Temple) is like a rock - which I can attempt to ascend - and I'm grateful for it...
Best wishes,
Here is my info:
*teach 4 advanced yoga classes and 1 basic each week.
*Run 30 minutes around 3 times a week
*walk a minimum of 2 miles a day...dog and general chicago life
*meditate non-seeded 30 minutes a day and seeded 15 minutes per day
*Sweat lodges about once a month and channupa ceremony probably 2 - 3 x a month
Diet - primarily vegetarian - rice, and vegetables. I don't eat much wheat or dairy. Sweets are a problem and i am reducing them. I drink black tea but coffee only about 1 time a week...if that. I'll have the occasional glass of wine
Everything is going to be okay... in the end. First, there may be a little drama, trauma and upheaval. There will also be some financial struggle, some emotional stress and creative tension. But then, when is it really any different? What you are going through now is really no more (or less) than just the usual trouble, dressed up in an unusual guise. You can save yourself a lot of bother and bring forward the eventual day when your problem is solved... by deciding that it isn't such a problem after all.
1) My Three-Phase Approach To Using The SUNRIDER HERBS,
2) The MAP Amino Acids
3) Abiding by the WF Nutritional Principles as detailed in the Nutrition chapters of my books
1) rarely in one month have i been under so many chronic stresses yet feel absolutely bombproof to the stress and in fact have turned in some of my best athletic, teaching, coaching, and spiritual personal records,
2) my SUNRIDER DOWNLINE is absolutely soaring toward the 5,000 SV Group Volume for ordering during a time when other SUNRIDER DOWNLINES not doing well; this single fact is because in the ILG DOWNLINE, we order the Herbs because we know what they provide for us and our family BESIDES extra income; the uncalcuable effect of Regenerative, Whole Food Nutrition upon our Cellular Fitness...i want our Group to break 5,000 SV this month!!! Let's show how much Fierce Love we have for our beautiful, amazing bodies which serve our Spirit! Our Body is God's Temple For Serving All, For Loving All; can't serve Go(o)d until you FEEL Go(o)d!!!
3) because it is "Flu Season" and in the past 20+ years i've been eating these SUNRIDER Foods i honestly can't recall when i've lost one day to Training due to this "Flu Season" which seemingly plagues the non-Herb-Eating masses!
InDeed, this time of the year should see you sipping beautiful and powerful Calli Tea (plus a few drops of SunnyDew sweetner) - in both regular and night versions to help pull toxic, heavy metals from cell membranes and keep nutrient and pranic transfer across the cell physiology absolutely perfect!
don't know for sure, however,
for some you devoted WF Warriors?
you might need to listen to the Navajo War Song
while reading my Four DharmaSword Strikes below...
here is a link to:
Navajo War Song;WF Temple Approved
photo 1; Andrew Frost, HP Devotee, cranking ice on Pikes Peak last weekend.
photo 2; ilg, meditating in a southern Utah cinder cone. photo by Ananda
It has often intrigued me how some Buddhist masters I know ask one simple question of people who approach them for teaching: “Do you believe in a life after this one?” They are not being asked whether they believe in it as a philosophical proposition but whether they feel it deeply in their hearts. The master knows that if a man believes in a life after this one, his whole outlook on life will be different, and he will have a distinct sense of personal responsibility and morality. What the masters must suspect is that there is a danger that people who have no strong belief in a life after this one will create a society fixated on short-term results, without much thought for the consequences of their actions.
Could this be the major reason why we have created a world like the one we are now living in, a world with hardly any real compassion?
- Soygal Rinopche
El Coache, as always I kept coming back to your words "where are you at Yogi.....your focus should lie in 2 places....mula bandha and in the breath". Om Mani Padme Hung
1) they won't say anything about their own accomplishments,
2) you'll only learn about how Awakened, Centered, and Chi-Filled they are after some time living among them.
3) they will constantly inspire you to be a better, Higher, more Awake Being.
and an exhibition of her work during the month of March at La Bellavia (18 S. Beaver, Flagstaff) - opening Friday, March 6, during First Fridays Art Walk.
order yours today
and sit with the inSights forever;
click here to order:
The Pranic Junkie
50 Meditation InSights From A Mountain Yogi
"Be not attached to the fruits of thy Labor,"
Bhagavad Gita.
photo by Ananda; coach prepares to climb higher. Southern Utah. "Climbing has all-ways been the strongest Metaphor for my own spiritual journey. as a child, my entire Being was and remains only interested in that path which leads ever Higher." - coach ilg
"Two people have been living in you all your life. One is the ego, garrulous, demanding, hysterical, calculating; the other is the hidden spiritual being, whose still voice of wisdom you have only rarely heard or attended to. As you listen more and more to the teachings, contemplate them, and integrate them into your life, your inner voice, your innate wisdom of discernment, what we call in..."
- coach ilg
Race Morning...
A chance of rain showers before 11am, then a chance of snow showers. Partly cloudy, with a temperature rising to near 50 by 9am, then falling to around 46 during the remainder of the day. Windy, with a southwest wind between 32 and 39 mph, with gusts as high as 65 mph. Chance of precipitation is 40%.
then the thought comes fast;
it's a good day to be a Warrior...
WELL DONE NOBLE YOGINI!!! right on BOTH accounts and i appreciate the double Research on Deer Medicine; so, in addition to your quick answer to the Temple Gong on the Deer Park answer, i'm gifting you another 3 months FREE of DL for your gumption in cross referencing what Deer Medicine is! you, Oh Noble Suet, are welcome to take my side ANY DAY on the BattleField. would be an HONOR to enter any Bardo with you!
Temple Manager Ananda; please see to it that Suet receives 3 months extension to her current DL Subscription!
Most Precious Student Suet; please send me your email address and a well-earned copy of PRANIC JUNKIE will be soaring from my spirit to yours...
Coach's 10-Step Prescription For Fundamental CHI DEVELOPMENT and BODYFAT LOSS (excellent for use during steep economic headwalls)
look deeeep Noble Mighty Limb'd Yogi,
and KNOW...you belong to our humble, powerful Tribe whereupon
we devote ourselves to our Weakness, our Stiffness, our Imbalance, and
conquer them through progressive, proven Path of Wholeness Which Destroys WEAKNESS, STIFFNESS, and IMBALANCE since 1982.
why settle for ANYTHING that does not live and exude Wholeness of body/mind/spirit?
a DL Subscription only costs $12/month.
click on pics to enlarge, then schedule your Private Intensive! We can't wait to
host you beneath the Sacred Peak! all photos by myself unless otherwise noted.
i will, however, put out a new WF Retreat Brochure for IDLrs, which
captures some of the stunningly beautiful images from our 22-acre Ranch
upon which we now live...
please Subscribe today and take the Virtual Tour with us!!!
"allWays default to the Sacred Sweat and Stillness.
nothing in Kali Yuga is worth losing Mula Bandha over.
or the Mantra.
or anything TRULY important...
hard times develop Faith in Brahman..."
Ya See...
THIS type of entry from Coach is why we are so charmed by this Path...
please, please, please do not miss this touching, practical DharmaTeaching which
includes a WF Technique for saving Fly Beings...and the Native American teaching on Fly Medicine!
ya see,
Yoga and Skillful Warriorism is found everywhere
when we have access to a strong, enduring Teacher of the Dharma like WF...
Subscribe today, we need you Here Now, Oh Noble Navandayogis!
New Cover! my latest book, PRANIC JUNKIE, has received a steady inrun of 5 stars among its readers! Have you ordered yours and how about as a gift for that spiritual warrior in your life?
click here to order a signed copy;