Sunday, March 16, 2008

When Is A Recession Not A Recession? When You Understand Its Spiritual Potency...PART I


i am busy transforming many of my venerable WF Programs into Pay-Per-PDF's (have you checked out the WF Pro Shop recently?!?!) so that in the years ahead, WF affords every warrior on earth, low price point options so that the impact of a 'recession' becomes what it truly is; a 'resuscitation' of Inner Attainment!


okay, so the Word is officially out;
the bubble popped.
America and our gloatish attitude toward having the "King of Currency" in global markets is gone. pooof. like incense smoke in my zendo...America's braggart thrusts of currency triumph is now as flaccid as the legions of our sheepish men and women taking prescription drugs* instead of doing the Inner Work to overcome our samskara like genuine warriors. gee, i guess we're gonna HAVE TO really start abiding in that miraculously beautiful phrase that adorns our cherished dinero; IN GOD WE TRUST!

my mom, who was born in the Depression and went on to become the Vice-President of a bank back long before women were ever holding such jobs, foretold this recession when i was but a boy; "Steven," she told me, "a nation cannot just keep extending credit when there is no gold to back up the credit." i did not really understand her then, and to be frank, i still ponder how the hell the whole 'gold' thing really figures into an economic structure so addicted to "phantom wealth"...i mean, if Donald Trump's contractors across the world would simultaneously demand that he "pony up in cash" he'd be as butt ass poor - poorer - than feeble ilg!

when Dewa was born, she immediately 'assumed' her portion of our great nations even greater national debt; something like $31,000.

welcome to AmerikA, my precious daughter! fun, ain't it?

what is the Appropriate Action of a WF Warrior during an 'official' Recession?

i tell you truly; REJOICE!

and then,


let me explain:

i Trust that my students, having been trained for decades in the WF Word Choice Guru, did not just accept without Question the word; Recession.

it's Latin; means to go back or, more appropriately; gone back.

so, a Recession means for the warriors of the era to "go back" meaning; to return to our previous state of going within instead of spending, spending, spending on things external in order to keep fueling our current addiction to comfort.

"Okay coach," you might be thinking, "so let's say i'm actually starting to see your perspective on a Recession and how you are spinning it to be a positive. but my question to you would be to what are we supposed to be returning??"

that is more than a good question,
it is a go(o)d question.
and to understand the answer, you simply have to reMember with your Ancient Warrior Lineage
which means understanding about Yuga's.
you know how i am all-Ways speaking about you and i sharing this lifetime together in Kali Yuga? the "spiritual dark age" predicted so clearly by the Ancient Yogis eons and eons ago?

well, how far are we into Kali Yuga?
why is it called Kali Yuga?
what the hell is a Yuga anyway?
how many Yuga's are there?
what can living in Kali Yuga mean for my spiritual ascent?

you better buckle up, bucko, cuz this is gonna be a Third Eye Opener for many of you still clouded over by the preconditioned attitudes prevailing your entire worldview and thoughtforms in your life thus far.

i will Teach you about the Yuga's in tomorrow's DL.
you will not want to miss this one...
it might just change your entire Way of Being...

so, when is a recession not a recession?

when you stick close to your WF Tribe and see a 'recession' for what it truly and beautifully is:

a "resuscitation" of all that is truly, honestly go(o)d!

May your Practice be windswept with your Conscious and Appreciated Breath...

head bowed,
your feeble teacher

*= studies now reveal that over 41 MILLION Americans drink contaminated 'approved' water each day...what is our water contaminated with? dat's right; a pandemonium of prescription drugs pissed out by the millions of Non-Practitioners!!! what, and you thought i've been just KIDDING about WF all these years? enjoy your water; you and your children are drinking drugs, baby! Oh, gee, maybe THAT'S why all these 'sudden' dis-eases of ADD, autism, cancer...?!? NOW how fast are you FINALLY going to order my PHASE ONE of SUNRIDER Herbs to make SURE your immune system, lymph system, and overall cellular vibration is potent and high enough to rise above all the crap you drink and breath each day?!?

The WF Path Works,
only when YOU WORK the PATH!

Oh, and if you are reading this and you STILL have not committed the $10 per month to subscribe to DL?

i'll just let you sit with that...
cuz PART II is huge and
only DL Subscribers...the Warriors Willing To Support The Humble, Powerful, and Original Temple of Transpersonal Fitness are gonna git the go(o)d stuff...

the Brave that you are:
subscribe to DL and get into the Tribe that has been waiting for you
for lifetimes...