"Racing is not about winning. It's about ourselves. No athlete ever held a trophy that did not already exist inside."
- steve ilg, THE WINTER ATHLETE, 1999

"I used to visit Flagstaff when i was living and teaching HP Yoga in Los Angeles. During that decade of Big City Service, i would attempt to ski around the 8,000'+ cross country trails at the Flagstaff Nordic Center and would be totally winded on the smallest of hills. One day after nearly throwing up during one of these visits, i saw a flyer on the ski lodge advertising the NORDIC STATE CHAMPIONSHIP to be held that weekend. My heart sank as low as was my nordic fitness back then. My Service in the Big Seaside City had erased all my treasured high altitude fitness. Back then, among my wheezing, coughing, and gasping in the aspens i prayed to Vishnu that one day i would once again be among the fleetest strength endurance athletes in the southwest. His reply came at the speed of Enlightenment within the resonance of my spirit,
"You will return here one day to live beneath this Sacred Peak and within 3 years you will win the State Nordic Championships; however, you must train harder then the Buddha along the way..."
exactly 3 seasons of my return to the Southwest from Los Angeles,
the prophesy of Vishnu - the God of Perseverance - became fact;
your humble coach - new rookie daddie and all - is the fastest
skier in Arizona.
After i get the Race Results, i'll tell you more. Right now, just know that
it is a very special winter for me...beneath the Sacred Peak...it's gonna be sad
to see her go.
this one's for all the New Daddies out there and their Partners; may all Loving Couples realize the Sacred Necessity of Warrior Effort each day in myriad ways...
i have one more Winter Endurance Event left on my full schedule; an event that i helped create thanks to my new snowshoe sponsor Kahtoola;
it's called; the AGASSIZ UPHILL and it happens next Sunday! why don't you come on out for some Pranic Empowerment beneath a starting to sizzle Arizona Sun on Snow?
click here to download a flyer of the event:
Agassiz Uphill
May your Devoted Sweat and Stillness radiate the trophy that you carry inside,
coach ilg
the mountain yogi
Coach also qualified for USSSA Nationals this winter; The Dharma of and training for Coach's victory will be made available only to DL Subscribers; for only about $10/Month please do your Higher Self a favor and subscribe today! there is a whole worldwide Tribe waiting for your arrival with us since 1982!