Most Honorable Coach,
So, I had supper at 5, took my MAP Amino Acids at 8 then worked out at 8:30. Now I'm home and ready for some sleep. Should I eat another high protein meal beforehand or, just drink some Calli Night and get that sleep.
I need to burn off some fat but, I don't want to waste that muscle I've been building. Advice?
I actually usually end up eating late anyways-
If there's something that one who needs to lose a little body fat has trouble doing, is going to bed hungry.
So, at least I had a nominal amount of lentil soup and some rice crackers instead of a big slice of cake. I guess if I'm so tired that I pass right out after my day I won't eat and if I can't sleep because my stomach is growling, I will eat. Simple. Right?
Kurt, Colorado

See my answer in the Dharma Vault of the WF SanghaLounge under the MAP Amino Acid chamber! It has everything to do with knowing how to cleverly use the body's innate mechanism known as a "pranial dip", i give counsel on how to handle late night sweet cravings!
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