"No matter where you live,
live cheerfully."
- Swami Rama
your Heart,
your Love of the outdoors that inspired you to move our family to the American SouthWest so many moons ago...
your Love of your children...
your Love of your wife - my m(om) - for over 50 years...
your endless warrior effort to
keep a'goin,
keep a'goin,
keep a'goin,
influences my humble attempt
to make an honest, Loving Way of Service in this world
each day in many, many ways...
you've Taught me well
because my Heart is Happy
and i live cheerfully; no matter where i am --
for you have Taught me that - whether i am rich or poor -
the true Wealth lies within the joyful, sacred Heart Within.
i love you...
your first son,
photo by myself of my father, Henry Ilg, two autumns ago at Locket Meadow, near the WF Temple H(om)e in the Kachina Peaks Wilderness