WF Master Student Allan "L'Gaté" Ludgate
L'Gaté is a precious gem, a shining Warrior of the WF Way...recently, as part of his commitment to "Live my WF Practice Out Loud," he took on the mission of teaching yoga out of his NYC Corporate skyscraper as an act of Service for his coworkers. L'Gaté is the epitome of a WF Athlete/Yogi...he races endurance runs by training for them in the gym. He prioritizes his family time by steadying his mind and emotions each day through EMR and Meditation. Not once has he ever blinked his Trust or Faith in the SUNRIDER Herbs, MAP Aminos, nor any esoteric or brutally hard training recipe from me. And yoga? Well, that was one of his deepest fears now transformed into Treasure...for himself, for others, for the UniVerse. Feeble ilg bows to my Beloved Master Student; L' Gaté...oh, and stay tuned to DL to see what he and i have cooked up as our shared Sacred Pilgrimage for 2008!
story by Master Student L'Gaté of NYC
photos by coach ilg during his Private Intensives

Near the end of my 2003 tutelage under you, I referenced in my last message I came across this description of my first encounter with your Green Tara asana practice that you prescribed for me:
"Here the challenge is finding the flow for the Green Tara and Ai Imawa series. In both cases, I found the descriptions and advice in Light on Yoga and your Ai Imawa inspiring and helpful. However, while I have done most of these postures before, I don't have immediate recognition when I see the names. Therefore, on both Ai Imawa and Green Tara, I ended up with pieces of paper arrayed all around my mat to remind me what each pose looks like. Processing that, plus trying to remember all the instructions, plus trying to remember to breathe, made for mechanistic, rather than soulful, workouts. I state this as a fact, not a concern, as I know the flow will come with practice."
Less than five years later and I'm teaching this!?
As promised, some quick facts, thoughts, and feelings on last night's yoga class that I taught for the first time in my life:
• Out of an office of ~100, 16 people signed up for the class and 6 showed up. Par for the course? The six who came were an interesting and beautiful mix..
also; i only post these 'tidbits' for 1 to every 3 unique DL's...
make sure you subscribe to DL to wring every ounce out of every aspect of your
life as your Sadhana...
straight from the Mt. Kailas of Personal Training since 1982