continued from DL April 15th...

my Hopi Brother; Michah. Plant talking. Michah? Not much spiritual ignorance. S(om)ething tells ilg that this Teacher of feeble ilg will soar through the Bardo...Michah can also kick my ass in Hopi Traditional Footracing...see DL Archives. photo by ilg.
The third type of Avidya (spiritual ignorance) described in this Sutra is my personal favorite; interceptive.
ilg knows what my seasoned warriors are thinking:
1) uh...aren't yogis trained not to have 'favorites'...(it fosters Duality)
2) interceptive field of ignorance...uh, say again?
1) uh...aren't yogis trained not to have 'favorites'...(it fosters Duality)
2) interceptive field of ignorance...uh, say again?
to which i answer:
1) yes and that is why another shining example of why ilg is such a feeble yogi
2) yes, interceptive. ain't that a great word and notion? ilg loves things that intercept. ilg loves disturbing the predictive.
ilg relates to interceptive fields of ignorance because ilg is a beginning Practitioner along the Path and when we begin to 'intercept' arising obstacles toward Enlightened Behavior then the Game REALLY gets pretty fun.
okay, you need an example, don't you.
i would too., let's say we are
YEP; You just got gapped again from your Sacred Sweat and Stillness...
come, subscribe today before ilg turns this whole thing into a Subscriber Only website; trust me...nothing is more vital to your notion of wholeness.