Happy, Wholistic Mother Earth (Birth)Day!!! 2 simple actions
sage and sunrise over Hopi Land...photo by ilg. click to enlarge the Chi Hit
40 years, baby! Earth Day is now officially nearly as old as ilg!
it's been a long haul since back in the day when everybody used to make fun of me when i prescribed "Litter Patrols" as a mandatory part of the Wholistic Fitness lifestyle.
people aren't laughing now...now, going "green" is the new Thing To Do...and that's fantastic. as long as everybody paces themselves for the long-run...
in honor of Earth Day's Birth Day (awkward phrase there); why not restore some old-school WF Teachings into your day and take a garbage bag out for a walk around your block and using your non-dominant hand (another WF traditional teaching), see what kind of litter you (and your friend, lover, clan) can gather! extra merit for using the Tribal Mantra as you pick up the litter. double extra Merit Points for doing the Patrol sans shoes! FEEL MOTHER EARTH beneath your feet for Heaven's Sake!
then, click on the below link to help out a worthy Noble Effort:
Safe Chemical Act
ilg is very proud of all my WF Warriors and Warrioresses out there who continue to Rise Higher!
head bowed,
spine straight,
breath low,
abba ilg