is so that
we remember
to do
whatever it is that we are 'doing'
for Go(o)d.
For most of us who are spiritually inclined,
having a Blessed Mantra
is the most invaluable asset along our Inner Journey...that Journey
which leads us Higher.
Mantra is an eon-proven technique by the Enlightened Ones
which transforms the mundane into the miraculous.
Mantra is a technique for turning it over to Go(o)d.
Mantra proves there are no ordinary moments.
Japa Mantra with a Blessed Mala is the only Way to deepen the Transmission
of one's Teacher and his or her Lineage.
Mantra transforms a human doing into our true nature; a human BEING!"
that is all.
Blessings upon your Sweat and Stillness and all which falls between.
coach ilg
coach ilg
just back from teaching the first ever HP PROP WORKOUT in Durango, Colorado to a precious gathering 7 Warriors of Wholeness. of course, i gave them the Sacred Mantra as we shared that most treasured sacred sweat of HP PROP! Onward, Upward, and Endlessly Inward.