This is Schultz Creek Trail, right across the street from the WF Temple H(om)e. "Schultzy" is one of Arizona's...nay, the entire southwest's most popular mountain biking trails. Why, on any given summer day? Dozens and dozens of mountain bikers careen up and down this trail. Yesterday? i saw but one other skier on Schultzy, and she turned promptly around once i passed her...i was left alone in the white wildness...Schultzy seductively flirting with me beneath my skis...a faint, serpentine wrinkle winking at me here and there beneath a heaving mass of snow. cyclists would do well, i reckon, to trade their cycles for a pair of skis during such a season to pay winter homage to their cherished slice of singletrack heaven.

Indeed! so, where be all the fancy mountain biking and motorcycling "Speed Demons" now, eh?
Where art Thou with Thy's ignoble Dual Suspension and iPod-driven adrenalin, now?!
more than likely, at home. warm. entertaining themselves with video games? so predictable...like sheep.
How predictable, how 'conditional' is the love and the fitness of the sport-specific!
come with me as i escort you into the always embracing world of Wholistic Fitness whereuopn we cherish and sweat within and listen to sacred silences of our Beloved Outdoor Temple in ALL of Her Graceful Seasons!
DO NOT MISS THIS INCREDIBLY POTENT DHARMA TEACHING FROM COACH with GORGEOUS PICTURES juxtaposing summer and winter along this beautiful trail!