soooo let's say you are one of the VERY FEW that choose to apply for and get accepted to be a WF Online Student under my Mother Hennish tendencies.
the ONLY MANDATORY RULE that all of my Online Students are required to do is to send me a very quick (or very long, doesn't matter) Practice Update each Sunday and Wednesday.
that's it.
no matter if they hear from me or not;
each Sunday and Wednesday; UPDATE COACH!!!
there is NEVER any judgment on your Practice. your pace toward Awakening is YOUR pace, not mine.
you may be surprised to know this...however many of my Online Students "get" the WF Transmission of being an Online Student so strongly that shockingly little actual changes take place in the way they train. instead, it's the flip of consciousness that matters and their realization of how much time i spend with my Online Students in meditation and, when they need it, private counsel. also; just a few very important WF Rituals make all the difference in the world.
one of my Most Treasured Online Students (whose name will mercifully remain unknown in this forum) recently missed well, more than a few Sunday and Wednesday Updates.
here is how he explained in my Coach's Office:

Noble Coach,
As you may have suspected, I've been abducted by aliens. The good news is that they saw my WF T-shirt and made a deal with me: they'll give me a ride home if I can power their spaceship with my pranayama practice. No problem!
Back soon...
Student (name withheld)