Felipe McCluskey and wife Cigbem Dincgor
The William Morris Agency and Budweiser GRAMMY Party
Om Mani Padme Hung...
Felipe's Warrior Spirit, which used to regularly uplift all of us at my San Fernando Valley's HIGH PERFORMANCE YOGA Studio in LA, shall endlessly vibrate within the cells of all of us fortunate enough to share the Sacred Sweat with him...
10,000 Warrior Dharma Blessings to Felipe's Atman during his Bardo Navigation, which i know without a doubt that he will attack like a short second serve.
To Felipe's family; our plane(t) will miss your Beloved One's beautiful, powerful chi.
After nearly every HP Yoga class, Felipe would corner me, hungry for spiritual teachings. He was ravenous for spiritual-based sport performance insights and always wanted to know new ways of motivating his tennis clients, particularly his junior players. I loved him instantly and we would talk of the Pro Tennis world and how WF and HP Yoga and herbs could help so many of the younger players.
When Felipe told me of his disease, we struck like Warriors holding hands into the first line of attack; we used the SUNRIDER Herbs to strengthen his immune system as the barrage of both disease and the Western medicines began to weaken his chi. We did what we could and we held on for a long time. After i returned to the Sacred Mountain, Felipe and i kept our warriorship strong through the internet. A devoted "DL"reader, Felipe said that these DL's helped him keep the Chi. Felipe took his disease into a fifth set tiebreaker. He fought the Noble Fight.
Now, as the summits shimmer over my left shoulder, so far away from LA and Felipe, easy comes reflection upon His gorgeous, welcoming smile...his chiseled body so kinesthetically capable of carrying the force of his chi...his glowing child like presence and enthusiasm for moving and breathing and being in his body in world-class ways...
Oh Noble Ones...
i would want you today to celebrate Felipe's life by waking up again and again from the sleep of life...
by smashing, like an overhead volley close to the net, our latent desires and negative patterns.
Anger, stress, jealously...such qualities are nothing of which to be proud.
Rid yourself of them and know what Felipe knew;
How Life is so utterly precious...
how fleeting a Bardo is this precious life...
For more on Felipe, click here:
Tennis Week Tribute to HP Yogi and WF Devotee; Felipe
Crank the chi today, Noble Warrior Sangha...crank it in a world class way like Felipe did...
is doing...
somewhere, on some Realm...
Please perform 3, 7, or 21 rounds of the Sacred Mantra today; devoting them
to our Brother Warrior Felipe...
coach ilg