last spring (can you tell by the mountain yogi lack of a tan?) using Asana to re-soften my feet after another season of winter endurance sports. photo by Ananda.
when we perform asana (yogic postures) we are doing more than mere physical exercise; each of Shiva's 10,000 asanas directly influence our psychic system. remember when you first start taking yoga classes and perhaps were astonished to find yourself in or near tears? this is due to the prana (life force) stimulating the psychic system. for example, in the intuitive asana above, not only am i keeping my feet/ankles/achilles tendon strong and supple, i am also stimulating my liver meridian. instead of spending money and giving my own Inner Healing Power over to an external 'doctor' whose own Vibrational Purity is usually damaging to my own cellular/spiritual fitness, yogis use the asanas to become our own doctor. see how compressed my 'guts' are as well in the photo? this sends additional prana toward my...
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coming up next: Part Two; Pranayama.