On a day when the wind is perfect,
the sail just needs to open
and the love starts.
Today is such
a day.
- Rumi
contributed by DL Celebrity;
WF Master Student Michael "ceRAMa" Cerame of NYC
above photo by myself;Ananda stands in Namaskar before the Tibetan Stupa in Santa Fe, New Mexico where i studied Chenreezig Meditations and other Practices.
Dear Friends Along The Noble Path of Awakening,
Happy Losar! The Tibetan New Year starts today in Kathmandu and Tibet. Being a lunar holiday it starts at different times everywhere. The celebration in Tibetan communities lasts deep into the night...i recall my years in Boulder while taking studies at Naropa University (a Tibetan school)...ooooh my!!!!
Losar is the time that new prayer flags are hung at home, on the high mountain passes, and in many stupas in Tibetan communities. It is also a very auspicious time to receive Mala's...especially from one's Teacher. It is also the time to Gift your Blessed Mala to a Statue on your Puja (Worship) Table, or to a Friend, or ? and receive a new one for your own Practice.
And in honor of Losar, all DL Subscribers and my local band of HP Yogis in Flagstaff, receive $10.00 off a
Blessed Rudraksha Mala
or a
Blessed Training Mala
NOTE: Blessed Malas from myself require an Empowerment Ritual from me specifically co-designed with you which lasts between 3-7 days.
Every other Warrior? You all get $5.00! Offer good through Feb. 14th.
Thanks so much for your support!
your coach in your Sacred Workout Corner