The WF Temple Cat Beings; Jasper and Charlie chillin' in da Temple Crib...during the winter, i use these self-generating 'space blanket' like inserts in these cushy kittie beds; as the Cat Being curls down upon it, it heats up to the temperature of their own body. we Human Beings from the mountaineering side of things use the same technology. Wanna know what our Temple Cats eat? keep reading, baby!
Okay, before all the fantastic input from across the world and across the Fitness Disciplines, it is in my Tradition of course, to always stay grounded, humble, and FOCUSED on what is truly vital when it comes to the notion of "Fitness Training"...here, read this with your spine straight:
You see, it's weird. It's so easy to muckle through life, caught up in the Thick of Thin Things until 'crisis' comes; death or illness visits our Lodge, or we find ourselves mangled beneath a wrecked car blood oozing and suddenly, wow, the paycheck wasn't that important after all...our lives roll through our memory banks like a movie on high speed; "Wait a second," you scream inside, "I'm not ready to die!...i have yet to really LIVE! i wanted to spend more time with my child...wait...wait..." The white luminous Light beckons like neon;
WELCOME TO THE BARDO; How Well Did You Train For This Journey? How adept at...
Gee, maybe you should prioritize the
Rock Vinyasa DVD
and the
Mula Bandha CD
before your other Holiday Shopping?
From a beautiful snowy day, i bow to your Devoted Practice
from the tall ponderosa trees of my h(om)e...May your Sweat be inspired today...
coach ilg
the mountain yogi
Dearest Coach,
some Dharma tidbits;
"Each of you is perfect as you are. And all of you could use a little bit of improvement."
- Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
(I have a delightful little picture of Suzuki Roshi on my desk and this brought a chuckle this morning)
Old gnarled trees
Darken the trail:
Where is the temple bell?
Li Po
Thank you, Steve, for the kind and generous words – may I have the strength of body speech and mind to fully embody them.
Looking forward with gigantic anticipation to practicing with you and our yoga sangha sooooooon.
Love les
My WF spiritual lineage conduit of choice is Noble Ilg: archetypal warrior of Wholistic Fitness, whose words and deeds have drawn me to--and kept me on--this steep twisting path.
With gratitude,
Student Singer
That was THE MOST FUN I have EVER had in just about any class, ever!
You can expect my attendance regularly.
And that’s all I have to say bout dat.
Peace, LOVE and Flagstaffari.
-Wyatt Brown, Flagstaff, AZ
after experiencing his first ever Infamous HP Prop Workout taught fresh here in Flag every Thursday night and we ROCKIN' THE PROP! The word is out at the Vertical Relief Climbing Gym which owns the Northern Arizona Yoga Center where i now teach and it is GREAT having those young, super climbers just sweatin' up an inner storm and LOVING IT! Climbers, opposed to cyclists and runners most of whom i have to hold a gun to their head to try to take yoga, are ALL OVER Yoga; they "get it" and their natural tendencies toward kinesthesia are ignited by the yogic wisdom of balanced self nurturing through challenging the body/mind to focus. LOVE IT! There is nothing more beautiful to me than a consciously focused Human Being! i am just sad that i cannot see all of YOU in my weekly classes!
- 19-year old rock climber Clay after his first exposure to yoga in last night's HP PROP Class!
Amazing Coach,
okay, those pictures of Dewachen are puja-bound! WOW!!!!! She definitely has the look of your Tibetan spiritual lineage! AMAZING! and i LOVED the picture of Temple Cat Being (i love the Way you allWays honor all the Beings in the various Realms; that Perspective alone has made my DL Subscription priceless; thank you!) Jasper in Dewa's baby stroller! Precious!
I was wondering, since you have us on world-class nutrition on the SUNRIDER Herbs and BioBuilde, what do you feed your Cat Beings?
in love of your Light,
Student Jayleen, NC
they kill their own food.
okay, don't laugh, however, the answer is:
Evangers Super Premium Holistic Pheasant Dinner For Cats
i'm not making that up.
and it's GO(o)D! i've tried it!
very sattvic food for fowl, i must say.
and both Jasper and Charlie go absolutely BONKERS over it.
it's very go(o)d for older Cat Beings like Jasper who tend to have diluted agni as they near their Transition and their organic chi starts diminishing.
check out:
Evangers Dog Food
Head bowed to all Six Realms,
your loving coach
Dear Coach,
Thanks for the Chi hit this weekend. It came in handy!
Finished the marathon yesterday in good time and great spirits!
My goal was 4:30 and I broke 4:00. This is a tough course (over 3000ft of elevation gain/loss) and it was my first marathon distance. All the training was done, I felt great that morning, my nutrition was fairly solid, and it was a beautiful day to suffer amongst the golden leaved trees of the Cumberland Plateau.
The last mile was hard, and I really wanted to walk…I did not and was able to break 4:00 on my first marathon!
Plenty of great food, and friends after the race made it all the more worth while!
I thought of you at mile 16. “Don’t bring more drama, just bring more pranayama.” I needed that mantra more than I needed water, or gels, or ibuprofen. It is indeed effective!
Thanks coach,
WF Online Student Parker
Most Honorable Coach,
Although I will try, words cannot express my appreciation for your advice and council. You are truly one in a million, million, million. I will humbly follow you to the ends of the earth and back.
Rookie Online Student Neal, Denver, CO
Most Noble Warrior Of The Within,
that may be more necessary than you may think...
two-gether toward Enlightenment, okay?
oh, and you misspelled, 'counsel'.
love and post-holing up the Steep and Direct,
note; check out Neal and other WF Students across the world at WF Online Gallery. still need to send in your Template and pic to be on the WF Gallery? send me an email with the subject line: GALLERY TEMPLATE to; ilgtrain@npgcable.com