Beautiful coach Ilg,
Congratulations! She, your daughter is beautiful....Please give Teacher Ananda my love...
I recently returned home after spending a year in a New Mexico county jail for my past life as a teenage drug dealer. Getting my personal training business back on track but this time I would like to become a WF teacher....WF is all I know coach, for me every aspect of who I am falls back to WF. You have planted a powerful seed within me and I feel that it is time for me to do my part as member of the WF family by allowing that seed to grow....There is no other Transformational Personal Fitness program out there....
It has been some time now since I last saw, spoke with or emailed you. As we continue our journey doing the work within we realize our reality that breath by breath we are unattached to these passing moments, submerged in the stillness of a higher sweat.
In our oneness with universal truth, we learn to embrace and appreciate the essence of who we are and all those beautiful, loving beings, radiating God's healing light of love in the lives we live.

For me, you were and continue to be my Angel. From the moment you rode up next to me on that beautiful LA Sunday morning club bike ride up Sepulveda Pass, looked at me and asked, "student d., what do you know about love?".
The knowledge of that Love beautiful sir, continues to grow within as our God nurtures with patience the stilling of my restive mind. At this moment, I am grateful to you, the essence of who you choose to be in this life, for introducing me to the transformational as well as the healing powers of Wholistic Fitness, and HP yoga.
I bow to the love of God that flows ever freely through you to all beings everywhere.
This is my moment of gratitude to you. I appreciate you, I love you, thank you for being you and most of all thank you for reminding me that it is not about who you love but it's all about do you love.....
Be well,
Student Dorman, C.P.T, N.E.S.T.A.
(Coach's Note; as you can TAF from Student D's missive, they don't make 'em like Dorman too often. Dorman was a bike racing teammate of mine on Encino Cyclery when i lived in LA and we would often trail run, boulder, and trade spontaneous poetry lines while chillin' poolside in that sweet So Cal sun...ilg loves his Student D.)
visit Dorman at:
...and tell him, "Love From The WF Tribe!"