it is true that asana (the sustained stretching exercise component of yoga) can in fact create a 'longer, sleeker' appearance to the physique than does a strict bodybuilding or weightlifting only program. Asana, i suppose it can be said, creates a 'cat-like' physique as opposed to a 'bulldozer' physique from gym-only training or an anorexic, imbalanced physique common to sport-specfic endurance athletes. photo: coach's "body vehicle this time around," as he refers to his 44-year old 'carriage of the spirit'. as is evident, a firm Practice in asana does not take away the much coveted "ripped" look from a Wholistic Fitness physique. What matters most to a WF Warrior however, is that the balanced physique is also balanced in all of the physiologic capacities of a human body. For most of us, attaining such elite mastery of physique plus world class function in all physiologic disciplines will require the rest of our lives. "Hey," says coach referring to this seemingly endless pursuit of genuine yoga or Balance, "It keeps us off the streets!" photo by www.waynewilliamsstudio.com
Dear Coach,
i am 19 and am currently doing your "Cosmic Yang" weight program (OUCH!!!!). it's really hard to explain to my training partners about your techniques and things like, "Being elegant" in the gym. i have not been doing yoga or too much cardio (except on an exercise bike a little) because my friends tell me that if i do yoga or too much cardio my muscles will smooth out from the yoga and get skinny from the cardio. i don't know what to do. i know you are busy, and you don't have to write me back, but i am confused and getting kinda bummed out on everything."
- Terrance, NY
Most Noble Young Warrior T,
remember this:
there are as many Inner Teachers as there are human capacities. thus, to gain liberation, we must assume the fullest possible responsibility for ourselves now in this body. if we choose only to develop fitness in one of our capacity categories, our suffering will go on not only for a few more lives but for thousands of lives.
in the WF Medicine Wheel of Life; Strength Training is best served under while young. the Iron Temple imparts many profound astral Teachers for a young warrior or warrioress. in mid-life, Strength Training can often be minimized while yoga and cardio are prioritized. as we grow older, Strength Training must again be re-elevated, although not so high as when we are young.