"The great problem is bringing life
back into the wasteland,
where people live inauthentically."
- Joseph Campbell
Tonight, Ananda and i are going on a moonlight cross country ski with some fellow yogis. Merging into my most treasured sound of ski across snow, we'll each reflect on the past year before returning to our tiny town hunkered at the foot of the Sacred Peak to watch a "Giant Pinecone" drop from the historic Weatherford Hotel at the stroke of midnight into a small droplet of humanity gathered to watch, to wonder, and to welcome a new year coming. A far, welcome cry from when i once got beaten and knifed in NYC after watching the Apple Drop in Times Square. Oh, life!
What a Year of DL's it has been!
Can you even begin to recollect all the Dharma Transmissions that we have shared?
And can we even begin to measure how each one of those DL's have now assumed appropriate vibrational residence within our cells, preparing us for our Journey Higher? Where else can the near daily dosage - each one unique and original - of such body/mind/spirit effort be found?
Nowhere 'cept right Here Now, oh cherished Sisters and Brothers!
photo; Ananda goes down while breaking fresh tracks two day ago at the Nordic Center.