I must be in a HolyDay mood, cuz for today i'm gonna let you view my Monthly Practice Stats with Synopsis. These are edited, of course, for your safety. As always, DO NOT ATTEMPT to mimic my Training Volumes and Sport Performances on my extremely low caloric intake. You will injure yourself and damage your subtle anatomy. Much better to sign up for WF Online Training and let us Guide you naturally toward such powers. You CAN do what i do, i promise! However, keep in mind that i follow my Teacher's instructions carefully and i have been Practicing Wholistic Fitness for over 25 years along with eating the SUNRIDER Royal Herbs for 22 years! Also, i am taking BioBuilde (TM) Amino Acids (use my link on my website to get my complimentary Guidance!) as i have made public. As evidenced by my summer of racing, these Aminos are regenerating me from my workouts and recovering from high intensity sessions. keeping the body in a positive nitrogen balance is Job #1 for the wise athlete. What i am saying is: There are no shortcuts. Just Begin where you are. I make my Training Diaries public to serve as inspiration, not as an astral coaching directive to go and attempt to match my volumes.

Oh, i forgot to mention below that i did sent a new "Zen Dart" personal record last month. Get this: 1 minute and 04 seconds! that's all the way around the DartBoard (#1-20) plus 2 bulls-eyes! i'm certain with all the talented Warriors in this Tribe however, you will probably beat that mark. GO FOR IT! i found yet another new throwing technique which i call my "Perch and Push" Technique. the new mark felt quite easily and my average game time is now around 1:40! i know i can break the 1 minute barrier soon! Hey, some people watch TV to take a break from office work...this yogi uses Zen Darts to empty my mind, get clear, and enhance Dharana. Warriors are allWays "on" their Practice in some way, shape, or form.
May your own Practice be strong and sincere and i am LOVING all the great dharma going on in the WF SanghaLounge! there is mounting winter training talk in the Lounge right now and deals for you Sport Snowshoers out there! soooo Blessed we are to have this humble, Noble Path of the Ancients re-tooled for our modern era...
om so ti,
coach ilg
The beginner’s mind is an open mind, an empty mind, a ready mind, and if we really listen with a beginner’s mind, we might really begin to hear. For if we listen with a silent mind, as free as possible from the clamor of preconceived ideas, a possibility will be created for the truth of the teachings to pierce us, and for the meaning of life and death to become increasingly and startlingly clear.
My master Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche said: “The more and more you listen, the more and more you hear; the more and more you hear, the deeper and deeper your understanding becomes.”
- Sogyal Rinpoche
coach's Practice Stats and Diary InSights are available to DL Subscribers only.