One great master in the nineteenth century had a disciple who was very thick-headed. The master had taught him again and again, trying to introduce him to the nature of his mind. Still he did not get it. Finally, the master became furious and told him: “Look, I want you to carry this bag full of barley up to the top of that mountain over there. But you mustn’t stop and rest. Just keep on going until you reach the top.”

The disciple was a simple man, but he had unshakable devotion and trust in his master, and he did exactly as he had been told. The bag was heavy and it took him a long time...
Now Appearing in DL Subscription Format
above quote portion by - Sogyal Rinpoche
with photos:
1) The WF Temple Medicine Wheel receives a grace of snow before the Holidays. photo by coach
2) craig ilg, early morning, hiking out of the Grand Canyon, Bright Angel Trail. photo by coach.