HP Yogi Squat of the Week
goes to Venerable HP Yoga® student and fellow Durangatang, Brad Tafoya. Shown above during a recent backpack trip into the Weminuche, Yogi BT is not only in an active yogi squat, he is also sawing with his Non-Dominant hand in a wonderful display of two of my basic WF Lifestyle Teachings!
goes to Venerable HP Yoga® student and fellow Durangatang, Brad Tafoya. Shown above during a recent backpack trip into the Weminuche, Yogi BT is not only in an active yogi squat, he is also sawing with his Non-Dominant hand in a wonderful display of two of my basic WF Lifestyle Teachings!
Note: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! Yogi BT trains with me every week in our Practice Cave, do not attempt this yogic movement without supervision...especially with saws!
Yogi Squat Metaphysics
what ilg has been Teaching you through these decades remains outstandingly simple, though most over-think WF. remember, there are only two words in the WF Bible: "Just Listen."
when we Listen to our Outer Worldly (or ego) Mind,
we get superficial fast...gossip, Facebook®, the hectic Things-To-Do Today lists, etc.
when we Listen to our Inwardly Turned (or Dharma) Mind,
we release into the in-dwelling Heartspace within.
the former produces high-breathing, adrenalin, and anxiety.
the latter produces sensual breathing, relaxed alertness, and equanimity.
We tend to continuously choose Ego Mind instead of Dharma Mind due to an ignorance
of WF Lifestyle Principles which are as follows:
- Conscious Breath and Posture
- Mindfulness
- Appropriate Action
- Practice
ilg began Teaching fitness students the Yogi Squat after my initial Self Healing Shift from spinal paralysis in the early '80s. the physical benefits of this Do-Anywhere-Anytime fitness movement are as Iyengar might put it; 'innumerable' and include lumbar decompression, spinal integrity, hip opening, pranic saturation, mental healing, lymphatic flushing, pelvic alignment, etc., etc.
yet few Westerners do it.
when i assign it to Online Students, and check in with them, the honest among them report that they didn't do it because;
- it looks ridiculous (ego mind)
- i'm too lazy (ego mind)
From a WF Perspective, do you know what "laziness" is?
laziness is less about skipping sets in the gym or sitting out intervals, then it is
not putting the effort into virtue.
not putting the effort into virtue.
there, ilg just gave you another WF Give-Away affirmation
that could possible trigger your next Transformation, so let's adjust our Postures and Breath and say it two-gether Three Times:
- i am Lazy when i choose not to put the effort into virtue.
- i am Lazy when i choose not to put the effort into virtue.
- i am Lazy when i choose not to put the effort into virtue.
Whenever we, like HP Yogi BT, Consciously CHOOSE (Listen!) to sit in Yogi Squat,
be it while brushing our teeth, or in line at the grocery store*, or at our campsite high in God's wild pine palaces
we are creating Merit,
we are cultivating Virtue
executing Dharma Mind (conscious effort) instead of what's easy (Ego Ming...sitting in chairs, standing around out of posture, making money from non-Dharmic enterprises, etc).
Now, when we apply Yogi Squat (and CERTAINLY Non-Dominant Hand Assignment), what we are meta-physically hooking up goes far deeper than a new more healthy neuro-hormonal circuitry which positively influences our glandular health far more than your expensive 'supplements' or worse, prescribed pills.
What meta-physically occurs each time we choose to sink our breath into our tight lower back and hips as our quadratus muscles stretch into a Yogi Squat is nothing less than a conquering of Duality Addiction and a psychospiritual accumulation of upward, inward mobilization of our Prana...our Life Force from which our personal divinity, unscarred by religious complication, arises like smoke from an inner fire of tapas.
Those of you still reading this understand that a healthy body - strong and clean - follows Dharma instead of Ego.
Perhaps then, you can understand too, that our Willingness to Yogi Squat - to apply our Non-Dominant Hand when we pour the Silk Soy® into our SUNRIDER Herbs Ilg Supreme Drink - is nothing less than a distillation of the mirrors of our spiritual perception.
and, it is only through our perceptions that we ignorantly superimpose 'problems' upon
Today, Noble Warrior Toward Wholeness;
May you Yogi Squat more often,
Practice Bravery in your Non Dominant Hand...
you'll Begin to See the Simple Beauty
of this Precious Path, so high above the rest...
Wholistic Fitness®
America's Indigenous Path of Yoga For Westerners
since 1982
head bowed,
your feeble teacher
Practice Bravery in your Non Dominant Hand...
you'll Begin to See the Simple Beauty
of this Precious Path, so high above the rest...
Wholistic Fitness®
America's Indigenous Path of Yoga For Westerners
since 1982
head bowed,
your feeble teacher
* how BRAVE do you really want to LIVE and SHARE your WF Study? Please live these Teachings of WF out loud - inspire someone today!