on this night of Autumnal Equinox,
feeble ilg collects his small,
yet fierce Tribe of WF Warriors
sends a bow to
Beloved Grandmother during this Auspiciously Empowering night...
i just finished a two hour Meditation that felt like 10 minutes;
such is the Pranic Potency of tonight! the Wisest and most Devoted of my Students
will be cranking a few more extra rounds on their Blessed Malas!
here is ilg's Offering To Our Grandmother On Behalf Of My Tribe
on this Night of Nights...
(click to deepen the chi hit)
on this Night of Nights...
(click to deepen the chi hit)

"Daddy, look, God painted NanaTha white!*"
- Dewachen Ilg, pointing up with her little,
delicious finger at this very moonrise
on the eve of her 3rd birthday
as Grandmother Moon arose
so seductively over my beloved San Juan Mountains
hovering over the hamlet of
Ouray, Colorado on September 10th...
May we all reLearn the Awe of Chi-ldren and Moonstruck souls everywhere,
your feeble teacher
- Dewachen Ilg, pointing up with her little,
delicious finger at this very moonrise
on the eve of her 3rd birthday
as Grandmother Moon arose
so seductively over my beloved San Juan Mountains
hovering over the hamlet of
Ouray, Colorado on September 10th...
May we all reLearn the Awe of Chi-ldren and Moonstruck souls everywhere,
your feeble teacher

*Nana = grandmother in many languages, and Tha = Sanscrit for Moon...as in Hatha Yoga = union of Sun (Ha) and Moon (Tha)
1) Grandma as captured by ilg, 9/10/10, Ouray, Colorado with Dewa hanging off my right arm.
2) Dewachen the other evening, looking once again, so dang cute i could eat her up in one big bite...note the Auspicious orange globe She is intuitively, symbolically holding near Her Manipura Chakra; Om So Ti