"Toeing The Start Line," has long been a catch phrase of mine.
Here is why.
Doing what is required to simply Toe The Start Line of a race (or of a performance) is tantamount to cultivating the Warrior qualities which the Ancient Enlightened Ones advised as key for success on the spiritual journey; steadfast practice (Abhyasa), Faith (Shraddha), determination (sankalpa), and mental collectedness (sama-dhana).
At a deeper, perhaps largely unconscious level among athletes, the desire to Toe The Start Line reflects our ancient Warrior lives and symbolizes our inherent desire to become liberated through intensity of training pain and sweat.

We now live in a very diluted age of Yogic integrity where "Yoga for Athletes" is being taught by dancers, and 'Pilates' teachers' and many other overly limber studio yogis who themselves have never even done what it takes to consistently Toe The Start Lines of races; let alone match the ultra-endurance, high-concussion, and varied physiologic diversity which you'll find throughout my Racing Bio which informs to a large degree the success and Transmission of the WF Path.
Yoga means "Wholistic Practice,"
and as such, a yogi must never push away any aspect from his or her understanding of what Yoga includes. Not one area of our physiologic capacities should ever be considered 'not important' to our yogic fitness.
Toeing the Start Lines of sport (and life) prepare the yogi for our ultimate Start Line; our Bardo Entry which is also the Start Line for cashing in our just how deeply we chose to train for the ultimate podium of the Human "Race"....Enlightenment.

Why do you think They call us the Human "Race"?
Life is a competition; it's a competition in it's truest sense which means, "to arise from within." As you peruse my Race Results, i think you'll find a refreshing, inspiring example of a 'broken back' athlete who keeps toeing the Start Lines in order to Practice what i teach; genuine yoga; genuine wholeness.
That is important to me...as i Trust it is to you, as well.
The "Bucket List" as a WF Yogi
The "Bucket List" as a WF Yogi
here are the Traditional Three Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages of Wholistic Fitness®; each one should be on your "Bucket List"...guided training and intensives are available for each:
The Iron Horse Bicycle Classic, Durango Colorado. Each Memorial Day Weekend. Beginning WF Yogis can just do the Bicycle Tour, Intermediates should do the Road Race, while the Highest WF Aspirants need to do the Omnium. The salient event is the 50-mile Road Race over two 10,000+' mountain passes...often in snowy/rainy weather!
The Imogene Pass Run, Ouray to Telluride, Colorado. Always the second weekend in September. 17 miles; 10 up, 7 down. High point is 13,114' at the famous Imogene Pass.
The Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon, Grants, New Mexico. President's Day Weekend (usually the third weekend in February). A four-sport Pilgrimage to the 11,311' sacred summit of Tsidool (Mt. Taylor) and back. Ironman Champion and WF Devotee, Fit Kit of Canada, checked this one off his WF Bucket List last year saying, "That made Ironman's feel like a sprint!"
The Iron Horse Bicycle Classic, Durango Colorado. Each Memorial Day Weekend. Beginning WF Yogis can just do the Bicycle Tour, Intermediates should do the Road Race, while the Highest WF Aspirants need to do the Omnium. The salient event is the 50-mile Road Race over two 10,000+' mountain passes...often in snowy/rainy weather!
The Imogene Pass Run, Ouray to Telluride, Colorado. Always the second weekend in September. 17 miles; 10 up, 7 down. High point is 13,114' at the famous Imogene Pass.
The Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon, Grants, New Mexico. President's Day Weekend (usually the third weekend in February). A four-sport Pilgrimage to the 11,311' sacred summit of Tsidool (Mt. Taylor) and back. Ironman Champion and WF Devotee, Fit Kit of Canada, checked this one off his WF Bucket List last year saying, "That made Ironman's feel like a sprint!"
i Trust i'll see you on these Start Lines, My Mighty Limb'd Yogis!
- coach steve ilg
- coach steve ilg
photos by Ananda:
1) ilg takes a Pre-Start bow to YOU for your inspiration to get New Daddy Ilg here!
The real spiritual victories are already scored by just Toeing The Start Line!
2) the Imogene Pass Run Start Line; Ouray, Colorado.
3) The Gun goes off!
1) ilg takes a Pre-Start bow to YOU for your inspiration to get New Daddy Ilg here!
The real spiritual victories are already scored by just Toeing The Start Line!
2) the Imogene Pass Run Start Line; Ouray, Colorado.
3) The Gun goes off!