Wednesday, September 8, 2010 vote for a retro-religion!

"...And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us...

...And lead us not into Attachment,
but deliver us from laziness...

- Yogi Jesus Christ
translation by ilg

Personally, ilg TAF's that most religions have morphed too much into specificity...kinda like sports. Therefore, feeble ilg suggests a retro-religion, one which all the Enlightened Masters spoke highly of in their philosophy; how about a religion called, "Neighborism."?

May your Practice speak to you today in Divine Whispers...
May You Listen...

love and light,
sweat and stillness,

rev. ilg

photo; while cycling home this morning from errands, i was taken by this view of the Animas River Valley and the cloud-hidden Missionary Ridge (photo right) and Animas City Mountain (photo left). so, i quickly grabbed my camera and darted back across the street from my house to nab this shot for you. though winter is a preferred season of mine, it's tempting to be attached to such fertile, sexy days of a summer ending. click to enlarge...might be yet another Screensaver for you courtesy of WF.