Each day arising seems to me to be an utter, unspeakable act of miraculous awe...i'm not implying 'easy'...i'm just saying; Awe... At It All. i mean, now that i am a New Daddy, i read the newspaper (only after Meditation, of course, and never on my WF Media Fast days). i see what's going on in the Outer World (or at least what gets filtered through to me). i read what my FaceBook friends write about...yet, here, in our little Wholistic Fitness® Sangha, our small yet fierce Tribe of Ancient Warriors devoted toward Wholeness...and i, their feeble Leader, tucked away in this astonishing hamlet of Divine natural beauty...
ilg just has got to ask, How Blessed Can 24 Hours Be?
yesterday morning
after my Early Morning Ritual...i get this in my Inbox:
"Oh Steve,
I do miss your yoga classes and inspiration here in LA more now than ever! If more people were as enlightened as you, The World would be such a calm and serene enjoyable existence. Do you still tour ,writing books, run marathons, cross train mountain bike, or and teach the very best Yoga class ever? You truly are a fascinating man Steve. Much respect .
Los Angeles"
I do miss your yoga classes and inspiration here in LA more now than ever! If more people were as enlightened as you, The World would be such a calm and serene enjoyable existence. Do you still tour ,writing books, run marathons, cross train mountain bike, or and teach the very best Yoga class ever? You truly are a fascinating man Steve. Much respect .
Los Angeles"
okay, so then, like THAT's not enough to keep a perma-smile on feeble ilg? i walk into our living and see my naked, yet apron-garbed Rinpoche immersed in Zen Arts & Crafts...

later, after laying down
a Dharmic-and-sweat drenched HP Yoga® 'Strong Flow' class with my Durango Sangha in the Cave of Champions...i pedalled hOMe beside the Sacred Animas with my 'boss' of the yoga studio, a National Road Racing Champion whose non-judgmental kindness and natural yogic presence mires me in rumination of who he Really Is.
a Dharmic-and-sweat drenched HP Yoga® 'Strong Flow' class with my Durango Sangha in the Cave of Champions...i pedalled hOMe beside the Sacred Animas with my 'boss' of the yoga studio, a National Road Racing Champion whose non-judgmental kindness and natural yogic presence mires me in rumination of who he Really Is.
pedaling hOMe...easy on Ma Earth...my heart filled with love and openness from all the forearm balances and inversions that i taught over the past hour and a half...yoga ignites soul force.
Then, In A Night
governed by a Grandma in Her full expression (see my opening photo)...the everyday exhaustion and exhilaration cOMmon to conscious parents catches up with me...i answer far too few emails and retire to the gurgling sounds of the fluid Mother Animas beneath a very sexy Grandmother Moon.
This Morning...

this morning...okay, let me see if i can even recall my Wholy Grail In The Shale of some of Durango's sweetest 'in town' singletrack...just outside my door: uh...Telegraph to Sidewinder to Crites to Anasazi Descent (OOOPH! a black diamond descent!..i fell twice like the MTB dork that i am!) to counter-clockwise Mikes Loop (OOOPH!) to Chicolla to Meadows and back hOMe along the River Path...
dat's what ilg is talking about, baby!!?!?!
Shiva Shamkara Shivaya Hari Om Namah Shivaya!!!!
2 hours; 20 miles; 2,800' of singletrack climbing...the morning after a HP Yoga® Strong Flow...you kidding me?!??!! C'mon; why fumble about seeking Go(o)d in pews and regurgitated prayers when all you gotta do is...The Wholistic Practice!!!!! There is no Go(o)d higher than singletrack after yoga and meditation!
then it was time to shower, ride my commuter bike to meet Dewa and Ananda at pre-school pick up...playing with the schoolkids...riding hOMe...still haven't eaten anything beyond a half of a PowerBar and it is 1 pm in the afternoon...personally? ilg feels quite satiated!
This Evening:
as if punctuating the past 24 hours...Vishnu delivered a double rainbow over the Animas and Raider Ridge with a heaven of a chaturanga into this:

Dewachen, the name of our almost 3-year old, refers to a heavenly realm of Amitabha Buddha; the spiritual lineage head of WF. Dewachen means, "PureLand of Golden Bliss." Auspiciously golden and beautiful sunsets have followed us around since Dewa's birth...the first one flooding Flagstaff, Arizona where she was born on the very evening after her birth (see DL Archives; circa 9/11/07).
May All Beings Find Happiness and the Causes of Happiness...
head bowed,
Dharma Blessings Upon Thy Practice...
thank you for reading...
coach ilg
all photos by ilg. do not republish without asking. click each one to enjoy a Higher, Deeper Transmission.