click pic to enlarge; can you find the Hawk?
taken this morning during my MTB ride in "Hidden Valley" where, seriously, i had not ridden in over 15 years. Hawk Medicine is powerful. if you are as interested as you well should be, you'll read the below.
head bowed to your Devoted Practice Toward Wholeness...you REALLY shoulda been in my HP PROP class tonight!
Thunder and lightning timed in with my choreographic cues as is on demand..
(Noble Warrior Student JVS remarked afterward, "Damn, that was amazing...each thunder-sound resounded in perfect timing with Coach's dialogue! It was Amazing!")...Father Sky's acoustics sizzled the Pranic Currents outside the Cave of Champions just like Shiva Dancing before you and i and the rest of our Ancient Tribe of Warriors did eons ago...
do you
CAN you
still reMember how you and i huddled two-gether in the Caves
before we found fire?
afraid of the Outside...
afraid of so much...
what has changed since then?
how long shall thee choose to live
within Fear
Love and Light?
How Blessed Are We Who Realize That Sweat IS The (W)Holy Water??!!!???!!
head bowed,
your miniscule ilg
Hawk Affirmation: I am healed and empowered through my visions. My life moves forward.taken this morning during my MTB ride in "Hidden Valley" where, seriously, i had not ridden in over 15 years. Hawk Medicine is powerful. if you are as interested as you well should be, you'll read the below.
head bowed to your Devoted Practice Toward Wholeness...you REALLY shoulda been in my HP PROP class tonight!
Thunder and lightning timed in with my choreographic cues as is on demand..
(Noble Warrior Student JVS remarked afterward, "Damn, that was amazing...each thunder-sound resounded in perfect timing with Coach's dialogue! It was Amazing!")...Father Sky's acoustics sizzled the Pranic Currents outside the Cave of Champions just like Shiva Dancing before you and i and the rest of our Ancient Tribe of Warriors did eons ago...
do you
CAN you
still reMember how you and i huddled two-gether in the Caves
before we found fire?
afraid of the Outside...
afraid of so much...
what has changed since then?
how long shall thee choose to live
within Fear
Love and Light?
How Blessed Are We Who Realize That Sweat IS The (W)Holy Water??!!!???!!
head bowed,
your miniscule ilg
There are many types of Hawks found throughout the world and each has medicine specific to their individual types. Yet there also characteristics that are specific to all Hawks and those are the focus here.
Hawks are visionaries and messengers. As a totem they help to open the higher chakras so that we may hear and see the visions and messages that Spirit and the Universe are always sending our way. There is never a moment when the Universe is not trying to get a message through to us but we are so often too busy or unaware of what it is we need to be watching for! Hawk helps us to not only be aware that we are receiving a message but how to interpret them. The realm of symbols is also the realm of Hawk for Hawk is able to soar high above the earth to soar on the breath of Spirit, to commune with Spirit and thus understand through the intuitive level what the message means and with their keen eyesight, how to implement it once they return to earth through seeing the broader picture below.
Many of the messages Hawk may bring are about freeing yourself of thoughts and beliefs that are limiting your ability to soar above your life and gain a greater perspective. If one remains earthbound, then the possibilities of life are limited! It is this ability to soar high above to catch a glimpse of the bigger picture that is one of the aspects of Hawk medicine that makes it so valuable: If one is undergoing a difficult passage to know that just over the next hill is freedom and liberation if one keeps going can be a Godsend in supporting the person to keep moving forward! Likewise, if the path is not appropriate, Hawk Medicine can alert one to this and point out a far more favorable path.
Hawk medicine unites Heaven and Earth. Because of their ability to soar, they are able to reach up to the heavens to extract needed information and bring it back to earth. Much of this information is also very practical for use on a daily basis! It is not only higher concepts or ideas that are relayed, but also information we need to make our material or mundane lives more prosperous and fulfilling. For those who have difficulty attracting financial well being due to false or negative beliefs about money and success, Hawk can help to understand the true spiritual intent and purpose behind money and guide one in establishing new beliefs that are more joyful and abundant in nature.
Hawk can alert us to those times when we should NOT take action because we do not yet have all the information we need. For example, someone is thinking of about becoming involved in a relationship, personal or business, yet they get the feeling that something is "not quite right". This needs to be heeded and Hawk sent forth to gather the appropriate information to help the person make the best choice. Sometimes the person finds that Hawk was telling them to steer clear for very good reasons!
Hawk can also help balance those who are more attuned to the lunar sides of their nature and have trouble expressing the solar side in pursuit of their goals. It helps the person to activate the positive aspects of their sun sign and to balance it with the lunar needs.