i need my 3 year-old daughter to immerse her precious cells within that rarefied air common only to hawks, larkspur, and the passing bear or lynx.
enjoy the following gem of an Actual Training Excerpt with a New Precious Online Student; use it, learn from it...
NO ONE gives more away for your personal wholeness that your ol' coach...since 1982.
i'll be back by Friday evening; enjoy the Archives and the WF SanghaLounge...and,
Just Breathe, baby...Just Breathe...
what follows is an Actual Student Exchange
with a beginning Online Student. this particular student, a professional personal trainer, is already wedged deep in my heart. for all of his academic and personal experience in fitness training, within the first WF Assignment which i gave him last week, an illuminating, intuitive Light is already getting lit.
it's a funny thing...people write to me kinda scared, intimidated by the Path of WF...and that's okay...i use unique East/West syntax which hits Western ears oddly...yet, many feel a deep kinship with WF without ever reaching down into their loins to pursue this Path at more than a cursory Level. that's okay too...if one is willing to wait another lifetime or two or five!
others of us...like NSMM below?
we're tired of wasting lifetimes and buckets of sweat and emotion and the rest of it on foolish "Workouts of the Week" and lifestyle pursuits which ultimately lead us further astray from Wholeness and Depth and Gratitude and Sanctity of Sweat and Stillness.
with a beginning Online Student. this particular student, a professional personal trainer, is already wedged deep in my heart. for all of his academic and personal experience in fitness training, within the first WF Assignment which i gave him last week, an illuminating, intuitive Light is already getting lit.
it's a funny thing...people write to me kinda scared, intimidated by the Path of WF...and that's okay...i use unique East/West syntax which hits Western ears oddly...yet, many feel a deep kinship with WF without ever reaching down into their loins to pursue this Path at more than a cursory Level. that's okay too...if one is willing to wait another lifetime or two or five!
others of us...like NSMM below?
we're tired of wasting lifetimes and buckets of sweat and emotion and the rest of it on foolish "Workouts of the Week" and lifestyle pursuits which ultimately lead us further astray from Wholeness and Depth and Gratitude and Sanctity of Sweat and Stillness.
oh, and don't be scared of Online Training! there are still spots available for New Students beginning as soon as October. don't miss the chance of this lifetime...i will NOT guide you wrongly...i know the High Terrain, pretty well. the lands close to the purest waters, the highest summits...though the Path may be narrow; it is true. it is for you. i know it.
head bowed,
heart thumping from the high country...
your mountain yogi
heart thumping from the high country...
your mountain yogi
Good morning coach,
The first 3 days have been great!
THAT's what i like to hear!
While completing the Forward Fold in my EMR I have found a very tight left flexor.
you are Learning Immediately, Grasshopper!
SO MUCH of WF in the first few years is about using Practices such as EMR
as diagnostic tools to identify latent imbalances and then, enjoying the process of balancing them!
The fold movement sets it on fire
while the right is comfortable.
i want you to enter the Fire,
dance within the Fire using deeeeep Ujjayi breathing (do you have questions on Ujjayi? They don't call it "The Victorious Breath" for nothing!")
tightness in left side muscles is VERY COMMON among new WF Students. this is usually due to many years or decades of being Right Side Dominant...
whatever is imbalanced on the physique/physical plane...you can bet your bottom bracket that the imbalance is multiplied on the subtle level which MUST
be evened out before age 75.
No lingering pain with it after the exercise is complete though. I also have a constriction in my left nostril
when doing At sink Pranayama, after Neti.
classic! what did i just say about Left Side restrictions among new WF Online Students?
the left side is our female side...our yin, our expansive realm...ida nadi; the lunar/cooling system. we gotta get this left nostril back into operational openess....
stay steadfast in your EMR...i'll assign specific pranayams, yoga routines later.
That's it for the mechanics of the exercises.
The feeling after performing EMR is a very soft, calm empowering confidence. I find myself going slowly and freely through the exercise and carry this feeling through
the next 4-6 hours throughout the day.
uhhh...where can i get more New Online Students like you?
so many New Students are pre-occupied with the physical disciplines...yet, i tell you now, NSMM, if you can continue to develop your breath awareness
during the softer, inner Practices; all shall be cOMing...and quickly!
Off topic but not;
dude, this is WF!
NOTHING is 'off topic'! hit me!
I for some reason decided to pull down Zen Mind, Beginners Mind and read. I have had this book for a couple of years but have not read it.
I feel the need to read and re-read this guide at this time.
Vishnu is right on time(ing)!!!!
ilg is smiling inward VERY big, right now!
you are picking up the astral vibrations inherent to Online Training Transmission, perfectly!
yes, that very title is usually Assigned to first year WF Online Students.
permission granted to delve deep and ask questions freely during your reading...
I will update going forward after each session!
i'm taking the girls camping (and me running) in the high country tomorrow if weather holds...it's already nearing freezing overnights up there in the birthplace of WF...
be back in the office by Friday afternoon...
proud of you,
head bowed,