Noble Sangha,
in this forum i have Taught you about the two qualities of Mind.
to review, there are only two qualities of Mind:
- Awareness
- Clarity
out of Awareness,
arises two further aspects:
- Perception
- Conception
Perception is a training effect, if you will, of the Five Sense Consciousnesses and, of course, your own developed layered fitness of your Sense Consciousness.
Conception is a refracted measure of mental recall.
Let me explain:
You walk outside tomorrow morning to fetch the morning paper (after, of course enjoying the pranic afterglow of doing EMR!) and see a bicycle Cardio Commuter ride by your house, you see the paniers fully loaded, your ears hear the rolling of tire rubber atop asphalt and gears dancing in the early morning light.you Perceived that cyclist through your sight sense and your hearing sense.
that's Perception.
now, let's say you are out here in Durango, taking advantage of a half-day Intensive with me. you and i are scrubbing a brew, listening to the Sacred Animas after a fantastic training ride on the Hermosa Creek Trail.
if i describe to you my memory recall of that early morning Cardio Commuter, the manner in which you conceive of my description is your Conception of my recalled Perceived experience of encountering that Cardio Commuter while i was picking up my morning paper.
believe it or not,
your understanding of the difference between Perception and Conception is HUGELY important to your sadhana. there are only Happy Feelings, Unhappy Feelings, and Neutral Feelings toward your Perceptions and Conceptions of your developed Awareness.
i'll need you to contemplate this.
you may pose questions to me on this iDL in the WF SanghaLounge. i'll elaborate on this very important Teaching in that forum.
How deeply your practice of Wholistic Fitness has delineated these Awareness aspects discussed above, reflects your willingness, consistency, and temperament toward the Teachings i've laid before you all these decades.
The most popular fitness methods these days, do not even come close to Teaching you such differences of mind. Not Pilates, not Certified Kettlebellers, not Stroller Strides, not Crossfit.
not even in the ballpark, dude.
Rare too, ironically, do the most popular yogic paths come close to imparted to you such categories of mind.
if you appreciate the Noble Effort and Intention of Wholistic Fitness to re-store a Higher Consciousness right where it belongs:
Within The Sweat
then, it's time for you to consider again your monthly gesture toward generating positive karmic mOMentum by offering your WF Temple Tithe right now.
prevent the negative karma of killing mosquito beings.
and see it as a critical part of your Personal Fitness Training.
if those above two sentences stirred your Higher Wisdom Self?
it's time for you to get cracking on the Green Tara Program again and DO THE WORK, YOGI!