talk about some Shiva Dancing!
first, on the morning i left for Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon*, when i had put in 3 hours of pre-addressed emails and business so i could have a stress-free and timely departure for Tsidool**; my internet connection combusted...then, while away taking care of the 'real business' at Tsidool, Maha Manas (WF Master Student and new WF.com Chief Mike Singer) started to realize how deeply steep the WF Gods test those who wish to Serve WF to the masses! WF.com, both DL and iDL and Joy's old Blog got hacked by some Brazillian-based pro hackers...Maha probably put in 30 hours of Karma Service for all of us...
we have upgraded the software to the latest version, so there might be some wrinkles to iron out. email me if you encounter any issues.
Using only his Love for WF (he is unpaid at this point) Maha had to research the hacked sites and make it all bulletproof again;
so, coming up is a whole huge series of inspirational Teachings from not only Mt. Taylor, but some very big news!
stay tuned!
* CRUSHED IT! Race Reports coming!
** native name for Mt.Taylor...preferred by WF Yogis
so, coming up is a whole huge series of inspirational Teachings from not only Mt. Taylor, but some very big news!
stay tuned!
* CRUSHED IT! Race Reports coming!
** native name for Mt.Taylor...preferred by WF Yogis