Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dewa Missives; Problems

My most precious daughter Dewachen,
you've been running a fever now for nearly three days. you are pretty miserable yet you don't complain. you look at Amma and i with such confusion from your tear-stained, feverish cheeks, asking, "Why?"

in our Tradition of WF, sweetheart, we train ourselves and our students not to even use the Word Choice, "Problems." for nothing truly is a 'problem' as much as it is an opportunity for enhancing our strength; physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. often, 'problems' improve each of those uniquely Human qualities. instead of using the word, "problems" we use the word, "challenge" or "opportunity" or something like that.

one day, you'll probably giggle at this story;
because your Amma and Abba chose not to vaccinate you, we came up with a different term for what people call, "colds" or "illness"...we call them, IDEO's. it stands for: Immune Developmental Enhancement Opportunity. we have even taught it to our Students! the Teaching in this new term is to re-mind us that colds and sickness are not problems to be solved. they are more like barbells to be lifted to make us stronger.

i know it must be so hard;
you've just arrived a little over 2 years ago from the Astral Plane where sickness, snakes, bugs, and all the crazy Dualities inherent to a Human Incarnation do not exist.


Darling Dewa,
we can never run away from problems...if we try, we will continue to face the same type of problem(s) over and over and endlessly over again - this lifetime or another - until we finally do what it takes from deep within us to arise to the curriculm...