"I find it a funny thing. People will go to all sorts of stupid expenses to buy shampoo, conditioners, and lotions which promote the importance of Amino Acids...yet, to get those same people to commit to a categorically more important Amino Acid formula for their long-term cellular health? They brand you a snake-oil salesman!
It doesn't matter how many podiums i top, how many dis-eases and illnesses i've thwarted by this simple product, they still think,'Oh it's too expensive.'
To ilg?
The thing that is MOST EXPENSIVE in life
and MOST DETRIMENTAL to sport and fitness performance?
Is NOT getting on and staying on MAP Amino Acids!"
- coach steve ilg
sponsored athlete/yogi; BodyHealth's MAP Amino Acids

Above: Dewachen Ilg with "Sabba"...her Marine of a Granddad (Joy's father).
Below, i ask our Tribe's contact at Bodyhealth, Andrew Nudelman, about MAP Amino Acid intake for my daughter. His reply coming to the WF SanghaLounge in the MAP Cave
Most Noble Andrew...
let me know when you are ready for my next testimonial! thanks to MAP Aminos, i've been on a nordic rampage this winter!
7 races
7 podiums
at age 47!
7 podiums
at age 47!
my winter racing season is all but over; one more minor race in Telluride in March.
i am more convinced than ever about MAP's critical importance for newborns/toddlers...especially within the area of
bioneural synaptic development in children ages 1.5 - 3 years.
Dewa is unbelievably mentally and physically fit; completely unvaccinated, her Immune Response is awesome! thanks in large part to her cellular fitness she has just a super cool disposition. she refuses TV/DVD's and chooses on her
own to listen and dance to music or color or do counting/lettering practice. her natural food attractions know no junk and her mental sustaining energy (what we call; dharana in yoga)
is exceptional and her sleep quality equally deep.
my intent is to keep this rolling for as long as possible...since, as you know, the six-layers of brain cells do not form completely until around 6 years of age and unconditionally set up her entire intellectual/sensing/conceptual capacities.
my only wish is for all Mothers to be on MAP for their breast milk and for all children to have the opportunity of being in a positive nitrogen balance
during their pre-natal and early years.
my question;
Dewa is 2.5 years young.
she is still breast feeding and we plan to continue to breast feed her as long as she desires.
having said that, and in knowledge of the exceptional demand for amino acids at Dewa's cellular level; in particular brain development and
neural fitness development...if we make a "MAP" smoothie for Dewa; how much MAP should go into her smoothie and how often?
head bowed and Dharma Blessings upon your amazing product that i am sooooooo fortunate to benefit from as an athlete, coach, yogi,
and most importantly; a new father!
and most importantly; a new father!
coach steve ilg