Work hard, but take it easy. Think deep thoughts, but keep high hopes. Believe with passion, but think with reason. Contradictions surround us all. That's not really so surprising. All living creatures are, according to the saints and sages, places where the mortal meets the immortal. Our spirits are eternal. They are surely the most important part of us. Yet we hardly give them a second thought. If something seems crazy now, it's because you are trying too hard to make sense of it! Don't think. Feel your way forward.
- Jonathan Cainer
Steve, it's Jerry here from Powerhouse Gym. I moved to Oakland in 2000 and I miss the hell out of your class. I tried {a popular yoga teacher}, didn't like him as well. I've gotten out of practice a little (a lot) I've been playing baseball but need to get back to your phylosophy. I wish you were closer to me. I miss those intense workouts. Anyway looks like your doing well, and what ever happened with you and Kathy I loved that girl you guys seemed perfect. If you still see or talk to her tell her I said hello. Peace.
(coach's note: i too, miss Jerry's warrior chi! he was so great to have in those intense HP Yoga classes which cracked and broke down some of the world's most strongest bodybuilders in Southern California during the late nineties. Jerry would be in posture, sweating, and grunting and just hurting like hell, and every now and then chastise himself by cursing at himself; 'C'mon gawdamnit Jerry! Bend your friggin' knee!' or something like that...hey, if you laid your yoga mat down next to Warrior Jerry? you'd be amped to a level of effort that is the true mark of a Yogi seeking radical self-transformation! i'd charge out onto the Bhagavad-Gita Battlefield ANY DAY with a Warrior like Jerry!) Oh, and what did happen to Kathy and i? i write about that in my INTRODUCTION to my upcoming book, PRANIC JUNKIE.
No shit Bro! I was perched like the Zen cat waiting to bound off my second story apartment building into a tree!
Did a presentation for noble WF Student Crespo and the Pasadena Triathlon Club…a sparse handful of brave souls showed to learn the “mental” side of training! The group was somewhat embarrassed by the low attendance; nonetheless, I thought fuck it! The people that need the chi hit are here to get it…then they can kick the others asses that did not make it! Roberto told me your last yoga session in LA was sparse as well…interesting is it not Bro?
Obesity up another 2% the last two years along with diabetes 15%. Economy going to shit. So much for addicted to comfort as you prophesied! Yet the path is seldom traveled!
On this note, as I drifted off to sleep Sunday night, my phone went off at 11:10 PM waking me. I then realized that after driving all the way to Valencia from Paso Robles (3.5+ hours) then loading up and going to Pasadena and back for Roberto’s noble warriors (another 4+ hours), I had only exercised 15 minutes that day of my minimum 30! My own DWU plus ten minutes of Joy's Yoga DVD before heading to Pasadena! Without hesitation, I promptly put on my shorts and shoes and walked around the block for another 15 minutes at 11:30 PM to get my daily 30 minute “prescription” of “PREVENTATIVE” medicine. While some might think that is stupid or outrageous, I ponder the logic of thousands literally choking to death at night from sleep apnea caused by their own fucking lack of discipline and out of control obesity! DISCIPLINE. I do it—period! Fuck the skeptics Bro! They’d have a hard time throwing a kettlebell with me with an oxygen tube and gastric reflux baby!
Keepin’ in real Bro…which is hard to do in SoCal as you well know! Laughing it off though man…got to…
Hello. I recently purchaes a copy ofThe Outdoor Athlete
in a used book store, and was blown away.
I have been working out now for almost 18 years, and no other book except yours seems to mirror my own experiences inside the gym and outside the gym more, especially now that I have grown older.
I wish I had read your book 15 years ago.
-Jim Rouse
Tulsa, OK

Photo; long time WF Devotee and Master Student Sean "Abu" Madine who is a regular in the WF SanghaLounge helping newer students, is shown here leading JAWS FALLS, a old favorite of mine in Colorado.
Dear El Coache,
Thank you for the automatic DL subscription renewal...
I led C'est le Mort on Redguarden last Friday in a style that would have made you proud. Let's just say that when a nut popped while I moved through the crux, I kept it together and moved upward fluidly. I LITERALLY felt the texture of Zazen at that moment, even "seeing" a Siddhasana posture in my mind during the chaos. Yes, C'est le Mort, is definitely slippery and steep through the crux! I've started the BELIEVE in myself on the rock, after some pressure-cooker sessions that shattered my constraining self-image. I'm a slow learner, but, after walking The Path for awhile, this WF stuff might just be working!!! ;-)
Attached is a picture of me on Jaws Falls this past January. My first time on ice since my Little One was born, I displayed Brahma Granthi clearly in the over-protection of the route!!! But, it was a fun, beautiful day in RMNP! The issue of using gear to control uncontrollable chaos (great metaphor for the Bardo, eh?) has been the focus of my recent rock workshops in Eldo/Boulder Canyon -- climbing with an open Heart, not over-protecting with a closed Heart.
Hey y'all!
All is going incredibly well here in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile.
Our team has had a few setbacks, but we've developed some new technqiues for
mapping caves, and we now have several caves and non-cave features evaluated.
We resume our work tomorrow, and will continue with sensor deployment. All is
well and all is on schedule!
I just updated my blog. So, you may view lots of images as well as keep up
with our work as it progresses.
HP Yogi Jut's Blog
Nos vemos amigos!
Cave Exploration
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot -- Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
--From The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
Joy & Steve,
i'm deeply grateful for the work you both do...makes the planet and my little world a whole lot better...can't wait!
much love,
I love the stories on the DL of the Hopi foot races.
I am feeling better and better, hard to explain but just better energy.
Not sure if it is the MAP aminos,the Sunrider or both.
Placitas, NM
coach's note:
Most Precious One,
it's WF, baby!!!!!
we leave no stone unturned in the Skillful Art of TRANSFORMATION!
head bowed in the pursuit of Wholeness,
I appreciate all of your emails in keeping me in touch with the SUNRIDER promotions. I do plan on getting more involved on the business side of things in the not so distant future...however, at this point in time I am still working on me.
I have to say, that since I read your email about taking 4 action caps during the day, and 2 slim caps at night(or was it 3, well I have been doing 2)...I've easily lost 15 lbs. plan is to go for another 5...which would put me at 165...down from 270 at my highest...7 years ago....the last time I went from slim down mode to muscle building mode...I quickly gained 15 lbs. and it took some time to get that back.
although it seems that I have a better ability to add muscle at this time, while doing a low calorie, high carb, high cardio, lifestyle...I'm curious as to what advice you could give me in regard to switching over to lifting from 2 days a week...upper body circuit, 10 reps, 1 set (and then nothing but, swimming, yard work, tennis, treadmill with a sauna suit) lifting 4 days a week...more like 3 sets going 6-8-10...with no more then 20 min. of cardio in a day
my diet at this point in time is basicly 1000-1500 calories a day or whole grain bread in the morning, protein shake, brown rice with a protein in the evening
I think I remember reading something about a amino acid that you use?...not a SR product I think...but with SR...what would you recommend?
the last 15 lbs. has been amazing..I'm seeing parts of myself that I've never seen...and seeing part of myself that I've always had...vanish in front of my eyes...the confidence is incredible...and the feeling of health is even 34 I'm in the best shape of my honestly that has a lot to do with how, out of shape I was when I was younger...but still...its a nice reality...I've been into this for some time now..and feel as though I have set up my later years for the healthiest they can be.
thank you for all of your help...its much appreciated
coach responds;
Most Noble Warrior Vinnie!
great hearing from you!
"The Path works,
when YOU work the Path!"
congrats on the weight loss!
absolutely get on the "MAP" Amino Acids.
here is the info page:
coach's MAP Amino Acid hook up portal
to join and get my complimentary dosage and guidance intake guidance,
just click on GO TO THE MAIN SITE
and order 2 bottles.
once you have the bottles in hand,
send me an email and i'll forward to you your intake guidance.
buckle up, cuz if you are on the Herbs and MAP? you will be FLYING!!!!!!!!
i'm stoked for you!
great job on the follow through!
head bowed,
coach ilg
Dearest ec,
Reading your HOPI running account this morning brought back some precious memories of time spent ( hum that is not quite the word...) up at the Mesas. One, in particular, came into my mind’s snowy foggy February day , during the closing of Powamu (Bean ceremony) - I had spent the night before sitting on a milk crate in a kiva listening to stories – the juniper smoke thick and sweet – the sound of the storytellers voice etched into my heart – then back into the house for some newly sprouted bean stew- and then up onto the rooftops for the incredible entrance of all kinds of Katchinas. The village was in a timeless state – and so was I.
My Hopi friend, reminded me that this ceremony was for the benefit of all beings everywhere and that if everyone there held that thought, vibration (more the Hopi definition) the ceremony would be completed. It was not until some years later, when I began my practice of Buddhism that I learned of the Buddhist practices of of bodichitta and metta. That humans are capable of embracing that ideal has probably kept me from turning in my human card.
I look forward.
Thanks for the tea and plums at Two Tree yesterday afternoon. It was sweet medicine. The last few weeks have been on the stressful list and it had kind of caught up with me by yesterday. Your offering of tea and plums and watching Dewa frolic in the puddle brought me back. I bow in humble gratitude.
Next Monday is fine with me if it works for you. Also, when you have time would you pass on the information concerning the MAP.
Blessings - LH
I can't thank you enough for all i have expeinced and learned in your classes.
peace dc
Hi Steve,
That's cool you were so moved by your HOPI experience. I did the Louis Tewanima footrace there a couple of summers ago, and it was a very special experience (have also been to a dance or two there...). Also, I lived on the Navajo Rez for seven and 1/2 years before moving here and just went back Fourth of July weekend to participate in a ceremony that my Navajo family was I can relate at ot what you're saying about the spiritual depths of these cultures! I found your e-mail to be reflective of the humbling impact your sojourn had on you...I also returned from my brief trip all inspired and grounded.
"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."
-Ancient Chinese proverb
*** MY 4th of JULY DL HITS H(om)E
Dear Coach Ilg,
Thanks SO MUCH for posting the text of the original Declaration of Independence today on Direct Lines.
As I read through it once again, it occurred to me: Throughout the Clinton years, the GW Bush years, and
anticipating what is to transpire based upon their stated policies and past actions in the McCain/Obama
years (doesn't matter which one wins in this case), we will have endured as a nation many of the same
transgressions and travesties that forced our country's forefathers to such bold action.
Just for fun (sort of), I asked a friend of mine who is a brilliant observer of sociology, anthropology, and the general
human condition (and who also loves a good wager), what the line is on some subset of our United States
declaring themselves independent over the course of the next 4-8 years.
Wishing you and your family well,
back east
Hi Steve,
Hope this email finds you well and where you want to be.
I am really thankfull I found you and your inspiration.
Looking at buying Hallway Yoga and a HP Yoga...
Thanks for the wisdom to look within.
Thanks Steve for the quick reply,
I am surprised again and again at my learning from your knowledge and wisdom.
E.G "Metta" it humbles me that you truely live your beliefs.
You do truely inspire us to be better people .
I struggle to put into words what I really feel about your inspiration.
Rodney Darke
Hi Steve & Joy!
How are you both? I still miss taking classes with you even though it's been almost 4 years! I still never found another Yoga class that I have wanted to commit to since your studio! I wish you still had a location here! You both were always such a great source of inspiration!
Glad to have found you on the net (thanks to Google)!
Miss you guys,
Eric West
Woodland Hills, CA
Dear EC,
wondered as You did if there was a difference between the mens' and womens' payoffs at Wimbledon. i'm frankly shocked to find out that the prize amounts are the same...? Seems quite odd considering the difference between 3 sets for gals and 5 sets for guys with the potential accompanying lengths of time, entertainment value, display of skills, etc. i wonder if there are bonuses not laid out on the site above...
playing usta league tennis myself right now for the second summer after many years of childbearing/rearing hiatus. what a space to practice in! including played another yoga teacher in singles a few weeks ago and prevailed, but it was a wonderful *joust*.
hugs to all kilpatrick/ilgs :)
yogini j9
Coach Ilg,
Who ever said leading by example is not effective.
Thank you again for introducing me to HP Yoga and WF. Not just the practice of the asanas, but fully integrating yoga into every fiber of my existence.
Mucho love to you and your beautiful Angels!
I bow to essence of who you continually choose to be.
"When we feel responsible, concerned and committed, we begin to feel deep emotion and great courage"
-The 14th Dalai Lama
Dorman Baltazar, C.P.T
I loved today’s DL re PowerSits. These have long been my secret practice, as they can be done anywhere: at a desk, in the bathroom, in the car after parking, you name it. Even more importantly, I’ve come to see these as a crucial step in narrowing the gap between long focused meditation sessions and turning ALL of living into one perpetual opportunity for practice. In this sense, PowerSits are like intervals for the soul. While longer meditation sessions allow you to perhaps go deeper, one crucial benefit of PowerSits is that they are as much about improving your ability to enter/recover as they are about the “session” itself. This is one of the things I love about WF, the connections I’m constantly finding between different disciplines.
WF Student Singer